Year in Review

This past year has definitely shaped me as a person a lot more than I expected to. I learned a lot about creating and maintaining relationships with others and some really helpful strategies to try and keep a more balanced life. I am really grateful for all of the support and resources both OSU and HE Scholars individually was able to provide for me and my peers for our first year and I feel like I would have had a very different experience if it wouldn’t have been for all this support. I also learned a lot about how to prioritize, which was something I struggled with a lot previously. It was really difficult to have to make the decision to maybe cut something because you don’t have time in your schedule but I found myself being able to put a lot more time into assignments and I definitely saw an increase in the quality of my work. I think overall, the main thing I am going to take with me from this past year was being able to go out of my comfort zone more. I tried a lot of new things and I had a ton of fun learning about all the different opportunities available on campus. I really love it here at OSU and I had such a great first year!