
Chapters in Books
2013    “Gaitas, panderos y tambores: La nueva música gallega y una identidad glocalizada.” Eds. Ileana Rodriguez & Josebe Martínez. Postcolonialidades históricas: in/visibilidades hispanoaméricanas, colonialismos ibéricos. Barcelona: Anthropos (Forthcoming).

2011    “The Other Galicia: Construction of National Identity Through Absence.” Eds. Kirsty Hooper and Manuel Puga. Contemporary Galician Cultural Studies: Between the Local and the Global. Modern Language Association World Literatures Reimagined Series, 2011. 104-124.

Articles in Refereed Journals
2010    “Museums and Mausoleums: Museographical Practices of Galician Identity.” Galicia 21 Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies B (2010): 45-67.

2009    “Popular Literary lieux de mémoire and Galician Identity in Manuel Rivas’s En salvaxe compaña.Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 86.2 (2009): 93-108. (Special Issue).

2006    “Amusement Parks, Bagpipes and Cemeteries: Fantastic Spaces of Galician Identity through Migration.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 7.2 (2006): 155-169. (Special Issue).

1999    “Reorganizando las ideas: ejercicio de relectura y reescritura en ¡Fallaste corazón! de Germán Dehesa.” Revista de Literatura Mexicana Contempoánea. 4. 9 (1999): 50-56.

Book Reviews
2012    “Hooper, Kirsty. Writing Galicia into the World: New Cartographies New Poetics (Liverpool: Liverpool UP, 2011). 186 pages.” Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture 3.1 (2012): 165-167.

2010    “Hooper, Kirsty. A Stranger in my Own Land: Sofía Casanova, a Spanish Writer in the European Fin de Siècle, 2008. 235 pages.” Hispanic Review 78.1 (2010): 127-130.

Articles in Translation
2013    “Lieux de mémoire literarios populares e identidade Galega en En salvaxe compaña de Manuel Rivas.” Eds. Kirsty Hooper and Helena Miguélez-Carballeira. Saíndo da nación: Máis aló do nacional na produción cultural galega contemporánea, Santiago de Compostela: Laiovento, (Forthcoming).

Editor-Reviewed Articles
2013    “Afro-Spanish Identity: (Dis)Placed African Immigrants in Music, Film and Literature.” Revista CIEHL (Cuaderno Internacional de Estudios Humanísticos y Literatura / International Journal of Humanistic Studies and Literature). Special Issue: Wandering Subjects: Movement and Displacement in Spanish Peninsular Studies. (Forthcoming).

Works in Progress
Article: “O monstro das palabras: Reframing Rosalía de Castro’s Role in the Galician Language Debate and Feminine Literature.” To be submitted to Galicia 21