Year in Review

Freshmen year has been an experience; this time I have spent at college has taught me a lot about myself.  Negative experiences I had definitely were with academics, as for once, I was into a whole new and larger perspective about grading.  I am no longer similar to how I was in high school, with perfect grades, which has been a troubling thought to accept; however, I believe though it has caused me many problems, it has also made me grow in many ways.  I know now that I do not have to be perfect all the time, that sometimes doing the best that is possible is sometimes all you can do, and receiving a bad grade doesn’t determine who you are and your worth.  This year in academics, I feel like, has prepared me for the future and a common idea: failure is evident in college, but it can either destroy you or make you stronger.  Though many times I feel slightly broken by this attribute, I know it will lead me to becoming a better professional one day, as failure builds character and allows perfection to be an absent idea, which can allow mistakes to happen and for it to be okay.   There has been a few positive academic experiences, with my love for Spanish at its prime, and my need to minor in it stronger than ever.  On the other end of the spectrum, I believe my need to serve my community has been greatly utilized this year, as I became involved in multiple service organizations.  These sites have taught me much about myself, and my abilities to keep a busy schedule and meet new people I never would have before.  I am thankful and proud of myself for putting myself out there to join these organizations and make the best of my time at college.  This summer and next year, I believe, will be all about growing and becoming ready for the trivial pursuits of sophomore year.  I know that as long as I remain grounded and focused, this next year will have much more positives aspects, and success will happen with this perseverance.