
ICA from Home Week 3: Make-Up Work

This drawing really pushed and stretched my perception. I found it to be very difficult but rewarding. I was always switching between the shelves and the page, using my fingers and the long edge of a piece of paper to get the lines more precise. I am pleased with the outcome.

Week 3 DL Assignment: Objective and Subjective Line

In this drawing, I am drawing using the objective line technique. My photos are full of detail, so I really tried to give each object roughly the same attention to detail within 45 minutes.

For this drawing, I am utilizing the subjective drawing technique. As it may seem, I sort of got lost in the drawing and with 28 minutes left, I was reminded to try to get as much on the page as I could within the time frame. I played around with the thickness of the lines, as well as the pressure on my pencil. Unfortunately, I could only find Ebony pencil 4B and wound up improvising with my charcoal 2B instead. When drawing light, sharp lines, I tried to convey the intensity of light bouncing off the object. Conversely, thick and dark lines were portions of the object that were hidden in the shadows. I really enjoyed the playfulness of this assignment.