As a member of the Biological Sciences Scholars Program, it is important that I implement all aspects of the Honors and Scholars’ G.O.A.L.S. motto into my Ohio State experience. Below, I have listed what I have done, am doing, and plan to do to enrich my education using each of the following points.
Global Awareness: In order to broaden my perspective and to learn more about the world around me, I plan to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea. Either in the summer or during another semester, I plan to travel to Spain and a number of Latin American countries for both service and academic ventures alike.
Original Inquiry: Research is a fundamental aspect of all scientific fields. As a prospective physician, research is at the forefront of the medical field as new discoveries and cures are made daily all over the world. As such, it is vital that I work in a research lab during my undergraduate studies. My goal in my undergraduate career is to get involved in a neuroscience research lab, specifically one that investigates traumatic brain injury and axonal regeneration.
Academic Enrichment: In order to challenge myself and advance my position within the medical field, I chose to double major in the two areas of science that fascinate me the most: Neuroscience and Biology. With both of my majors happening at the same time, it is imperative that I remain organized and focused throughout my college experience.
Leadership Development: In the operating room, the physician is the leader in a literal life or death situation. Remaining calm and collected in high-pressure environments throughout my undergraduate career will be important in helping me build the skills to one day thrive in this atmosphere. To nourish these habits, I fill leadership positions in the Biological Sciences Scholars Program (Seminar Assistant; Mentor; Tutor), Neuroscience Ambassadors Program (Mentor; co-founder of Medical Neuroscience Scholars Program), and the COF STEM Scholarship Program (Mentor; Tutor). I would also like to get involved in the MedLife club as well as College Mentors for Kids.
Service Engagement: Above all else, medicine is a field filled with people dedicated to serving their patients. For me, helping others is the biggest motivator for me to continue through a strenuous schedule. As mentioned in my “About Me” section, I traveled to Mexico during the summer of 2018 for an optical mission trip. This was truly the most rewarding experience that solidified my passion for medicine. This is something that I definitely want to participate in several more times throughout my college career. Additionally, I plan to participate in the numerous service events offered through my Scholars program, Neuroscience Ambassadors program and COF program including, but not limited to, outreach programs with local schools and BuckeyeThon.