
Artifact One: Vision Chart

This vision chart is representative of my time in Chipas, Mexico, during which I examined the vision of several patients in an eye clinic. This experience not only fueled my passion for the Spanish language but also my passion for serving others, specifically those who do not have access to medical supplies. I learned a lot during this trip about the immense poverty that continues to plague the modern world. In the future, I plan to use this experience to assist the uninsured/underinsured in a greater way.


Artifact Two: Ohio Seal of Biliteracy

The photo above pictures the Seal of Biliteracy that I was awarded by the State of Ohio for Spanish. I earned this seal after showing proficiency in comprehension, speaking, reading and writing in the Spanish language in a real life setting. As I pursue a career in medicine, having the ability to speak several different languages will be a valuable skill. This experience has motivated me to begin to learn different languages as well.


Artifact Three: Choose Ohio First STEM Scholarship

The above logo is that of the Choose Ohio First STEM Scholarship Program that I am a member of. Through this program, I have several resources at my disposal, such as the WOW program that involves scientific outreach in the inner city Columbus area as well as mentorship programs and free tutoring. My involvement in this program has allowed me to share my love of science with my fellow students as well as those in the Columbus community.


Artifact Four: Scholars Central Community Gift Drive

The photo above features my roommate Abby and I at the Scholars Central Community Gift Drive. This was an awesome opportunity during the holiday season to give back to the greater Columbus community. This experience also served as a great reminder for me of how blessed I am, despite my temporary struggles. In the future, I would like to make more of an effort to regularly take time to step away from my own career and goals and give back to those who are struggling right in my backyard.