Year in Review
Year One:
When I first moved into the Ohio State University in August, I was a bit anxious yet incredibly excited to be in a new place with an abundance of new people and opportunities. I was hesitant at first to live with three complete strangers, as I am a very clean and organized person. I was convinced that I was going to die if I had messy roommates! Lucky for me though, all of my roommates were extremely kind and neat!
One of the greatest challenges for college freshmen is adjusting to the new style of learning and class flexibility. I took several AP courses during my high school career, so learning on my own was nothing new. However, I did struggle a bit with the pressure of having so few assignments that are worth so many points. Although these types of tasks used to seem daunting, I have now learned that preparation is key. When these anxious thoughts come, I remind myself of how much I have prepared and that I am capable of achieving a great score.
As for my social life, I have been extremely fortunate to find so many wonderful people around campus. I have become great friends with my roommates as well as other people from my classes. I have also grown much closer to a few people from my high school who have decided to continue their studies at Ohio State as well.
The spring semester of my freshman year was certainly turned upside down due to COVID-19. With only a week to prepare, all of my classes were turned to a completely online format. While I initially struggled with this format, I soon got used to it. However, I certainly prefer in-person classes!
If this year is at all indicative of what is to come in my four years at Ohio State, then I am extremely optimistic about the future. As I further my professional and personal goals, I am beyond grateful to have to opportunity to do it as a student here, at The Ohio State University.
Year Two:
With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to plague the world, I was a bit disappointed but ultimately understanding of yet another online semester in the fall of 2020. In order to maintain some semblance of “normal” life, I moved into an apartment near Ohio State’s campus with one of my best friends, Abby, and this ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made. Although we spent several of our days inside and on our laptops, there was never a dull moment. I will always cherish the memories that we made in our little plant-filled apartment.
Despite the positive start to the autumn semester, everything was turned upside-down when my grandmother suddenly passed in the beginning of October. My grandmother and I were extremely close as I lived with her throughout the latter half of junior high and all of high school. She was truly the kindest, most generous person I knew, and her passing made it extremely difficult for me to keep up with my heavy course load. I was ultimately able to push through and finish the semester, undoubtedly with my grandmother’s divine intervention.
After a much needed winter break, I was excited to start fresh in the beginning of 2021. While I was unfortunately all online again during the spring, I was determined to make the most of the experience and to continually remind myself of how fortunate I am to have access to such an incredible education. In order to get a break from the screen, I began practicing Muay Thai with a personal trainer as well as regular yoga and meditation. Both have proved to be great outlets for stress and pent-up anxiety.
Towards the latter half of the semester, I was lucky enough to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. With the end of the pandemic on the horizon, I am looking forward to transitioning back to a more normal college experience next year and getting more involved in the community. I am in the works of obtaining an internship in a Neuroscience research lab this summer/next school year as well as taking a few summer classes to get ahead. I am beyond grateful for all of my incredible family, friends, advisors and professors for their patience and understanding throughout this year. I could not have done it without them!
As a member of the Biological Sciences Scholars Program, it is important that I implement all aspects of the Honors and Scholars’ G.O.A.L.S. motto into my Ohio State experience. Below, I have listed what I have done, am doing, and plan to do to enrich my education using each of the following points.
Global Awareness: In order to broaden my perspective and to learn more about the world around me, I plan to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea. Either in the summer or during another semester, I plan to travel to Spain and a number of Latin American countries for both service and academic ventures alike.
Original Inquiry: Research is a fundamental aspect of all scientific fields. As a prospective physician, research is at the forefront of the medical field as new discoveries and cures are made daily all over the world. As such, it is vital that I work in a research lab during my undergraduate studies. My goal in my undergraduate career is to get involved in a neuroscience research lab, specifically one that investigates traumatic brain injury and axonal regeneration.
Academic Enrichment: In order to challenge myself and advance my position within the medical field, I chose to double major in the two areas of science that fascinate me the most: Neuroscience and Biology. With both of my majors happening at the same time, it is imperative that I remain organized and focused throughout my college experience.
Leadership Development: In the operating room, the physician is the leader in a literal life or death situation. Remaining calm and collected in high-pressure environments throughout my undergraduate career will be important in helping me build the skills to one day thrive in this atmosphere. To nourish these habits, I fill leadership positions in the Biological Sciences Scholars Program (Seminar Assistant; Mentor; Tutor), Neuroscience Ambassadors Program (Mentor; co-founder of Medical Neuroscience Scholars Program), and the COF STEM Scholarship Program (Mentor; Tutor). I would also like to get involved in the MedLife club as well as College Mentors for Kids.
Service Engagement: Above all else, medicine is a field filled with people dedicated to serving their patients. For me, helping others is the biggest motivator for me to continue through a strenuous schedule. As mentioned in my “About Me” section, I traveled to Mexico during the summer of 2018 for an optical mission trip. This was truly the most rewarding experience that solidified my passion for medicine. This is something that I definitely want to participate in several more times throughout my college career. Additionally, I plan to participate in the numerous service events offered through my Scholars program, Neuroscience Ambassadors program and COF program including, but not limited to, outreach programs with local schools and BuckeyeThon.
The Biological Sciences Scholars Program offers an abundance of events for its members, ranging from social events to professional career workshops to research lab tours. In the beginning of the Autumn 2020 semester, I attended the Med-Student Panel in which a current medical student from The Ohio State University School of Medicine came to speak to us about how she benefited from the program and what she did to get to where she is today. This was an excellent way for me to kick off my college career as it gave me several insights into what I should be doing from the beginning to foster a competitive medical school application. Emma, the medical student, shared with us her strategies of setting aside specific times of the day for studying, and others for relaxing. This was good for me to hear as I tend to work without taking breaks which eventually leads me to feel burnt out. This is something I have been working on since speaking with Emma.
(Photo: Kuhn Honors and Scholars House where the Med-Student Panel took place).
Vision Statement and Statement of Action:
As I round out my second-year, I now turn to the future of my career as an undergraduate student at The Ohio State University. My current objectives include getting involved in research, with the hopes of one day completing my own research project. In order to achieve this goal, I have contacted a lab that I am interested in working with. I plan to meet with the Principal Investigator of the lab in the coming weeks to discuss my potential involvement. I plan to maintain my involvement in the Neuroscience Ambassadors program by piloting the new Medical Neuroscience Scholars Program in collaboration with a few peers and our advisors. I also plan to maintain my involvement in the Biological Sciences Scholars Program by mentoring incoming freshmen in the summer and fall. Lastly, I will continue my involvement in the Choose Ohio First Scholars Program as a tutor and mentor.
My Most Impactful Class:
My favorite class that I have taken thus far has definitely been Neuroscience 3050 – Structure and Function of the Nervous System. I thoroughly enjoyed the content of this class as well as its flexible schedule. The instructor, Dr. Bishop, was extremely knowledgeable about the subject matter and had a genuine passion for the material. I learned about several areas and processes of the brain and spinal cord as well as potential diseases that may arise within the central and peripheral nervous system. This information with definitely be applicable in the future as I continue to take classes that take a deeper dive into different diseases and disorders of the nervous system, such as Neuroscience 4550: Autism and Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders which I am scheduled to take in the fall.
My resume is attached below. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Artifact One: Vision Chart
This vision chart is representative of my time in Chipas, Mexico, during which I examined the vision of several patients in an eye clinic. This experience not only fueled my passion for the Spanish language but also my passion for serving others, specifically those who do not have access to medical supplies. I learned a lot during this trip about the immense poverty that continues to plague the modern world. In the future, I plan to use this experience to assist the uninsured/underinsured in a greater way.
Artifact Two: Ohio Seal of Biliteracy
The photo above pictures the Seal of Biliteracy that I was awarded by the State of Ohio for Spanish. I earned this seal after showing proficiency in comprehension, speaking, reading and writing in the Spanish language in a real life setting. As I pursue a career in medicine, having the ability to speak several different languages will be a valuable skill. This experience has motivated me to begin to learn different languages as well.
Artifact Three: Choose Ohio First STEM Scholarship
The above logo is that of the Choose Ohio First STEM Scholarship Program that I am a member of. Through this program, I have several resources at my disposal, such as the WOW program that involves scientific outreach in the inner city Columbus area as well as mentorship programs and free tutoring. My involvement in this program has allowed me to share my love of science with my fellow students as well as those in the Columbus community.
Artifact Four: Scholars Central Community Gift Drive
The photo above features my roommate Abby and I at the Scholars Central Community Gift Drive. This was an awesome opportunity during the holiday season to give back to the greater Columbus community. This experience also served as a great reminder for me of how blessed I am, despite my temporary struggles. In the future, I would like to make more of an effort to regularly take time to step away from my own career and goals and give back to those who are struggling right in my backyard.
About Me
Hello! My name is Haven Rodocker, and I am second-year here at The Ohio State University. I am currently a double major in Biology and Neuroscience on the pre-medicine track. Throughout my years at OSU, I plan to not only excel in my classes but to also get involved in a number of different clubs around campus, specifically those that involve the medical field and giving back to the community. I would love to attend another medical service trip like the optical mission I was involved in during the summer of 2018.
In addition to being a member of the Biological Sciences Scholars Program, I am also a Choose Ohio First Scholar and a Neuroscience Ambassador. I am extremely excited to pursue the opportunities that both of these programs have to offer, especially those that focus on giving back to the greater Columbus area.
My hopes for this website is to provide a deeper look into what I am currently doing, have done and plan to do in order to achieve both long and short term goals. Speaking of goals, I also hope to offer my take on the Honors and Scholars’ G.O.A.L.S. motto and how I plan to enact each facet of the acronym into my Ohio State experience. In order to reflect upon more personal aspects regarding my time as a student, the Year in Review tab will detail a recap of each of my years at Ohio State. I hope you enjoy!