GMAIL plz sort

I hate that I can’t easily sort gmail.  Its one of the biggest things I do on outlook.  At the university we swim in a sea of email.  Sorting it out and getting to inbox zero is a monthly goal for me.  I find myself 900% more productive if i can sort and clean out email freeing my mind from the weight of the cognitive context.

But no sort really exists in gmail, at least in a “oh here it is, the button, wee”, everything in gmail is a soft of command line hack.  AS such i’ve found this to try.

Sort Gmail by Subject, Size, Labels and Sender.

Playing with Plotagon

I’m always looking for fast and easy tools that allow me to express myself, either through purposeful means or purely for the heck of it.  Often time to make strange and funny videos for friends, family and the interweb.

The other day I came across Plotagon.

This app feels a bit like a rigid game where the sets and characters are fixed.  I’ve seen these before but not with this much flexibility to simply write a script and the software acts it out for ya.  Its fun to mess with, try it.  You can act out lots of varied scenarios with playful dialog, and laugh at the canned emotes and campy output.  But hey its fast, easy and well, done.  Do it.  Play!