Commercialization Myths

New series of thought here folks, thinking of calling this “commercialization myths”, essentially bits that people think its this and to me, in what i do, i think its that.



So lets get in…

Myth #1, Commercialization is about technology

Traditionally when we think about commercialization, this act of taking one intellectual property to market, we think assets, ie technology, go to market, thats it.  In actuality, its less about the technology and more about the people that make the technology work.  Ideas don’t occur in a vacuum.  Ideas form from the minds of those that will them into existence.  Our role is help foster those ideas toward a path to commercialization, creating an additional return on the effort applied to realize the idea.

Additional return is important.  Its one thing first to have an idea, that in itself is a return.  Its another to work on the idea with others, bringing you yet another return.  Then you apply for grants, win additional funds, write papers, do research and your idea and efforts are recognized, thus another return.

Commercialization is the parallel process that works along side your efforts and attempts to take your ideas to market, for additional returns.

Everything is an effort, we try.  We try and have ideas, we try and collaborate, we work together as a team to foster the momentum around ideas.

In all these statements the heart of them is a person, people equal the momentum around ideas.  You get enough people, the right people, the open people, the people that want to change the world, and change occurs.  Its really that simple to me.  So again to me, this business is less about the technology, yes thats clearly what I do, but its more about who brought it to the table and how I can help them be successful with it.

Thats the mission.

So when people ask me, I tell them, Technology Commercialization is a people business.  We’re taking people to market.  Their ideas, their passion, enabled.

btw: this isn’t meant to be marketing verbiage here, this is how i think, my thoughts alone, one needs a kind of manifesto to work and live by, this is mine

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