Tasty Reads: MobileHealth News

One space that I’m insanely passionate about is mobile health.  Ever since the early seeds of the quantified self movement, mixed with the agonizing experience of seeing loved ones go through the health system and seeing the massive wave of disruption, hacking and the audacity to do movement, health care has been a tasty prime target to disrupt.  Its big, slow, and big and well slow.  Its massive really.  It impacts everyone on the planet and so much of it is so old school, so fearful of change that well, blowing it up and starting over with todays latest tech and tomorrows future thinking is just irresitble to me.

NUKE the site from orbit and start over, thats a developer phrase for the most part but health care, your time for massive disruption is at hand.  Many resist this trend, and actually if you invest in the startup space, you know this trend is banking faster and faster every fricking day.  Its amazing to see the disruption.

One of my favorite reads around this space is Mobile Health News.  Read, attend a conference, but more so participate, come to TCO and let us leverage our university might and disrupt, build new big ideas and new revenues for our great buckeye born innovation!!!  We’re doing it now, come join in!

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