48 Startups

48 wonderful startups took to the floor of our front office to tell the planet, we are here, this what we do, this is how we bank, this is the help we need central ohio!  4 a month, thats 48 a year, hot dang!

WakeUp StartUp is a monthly startup pitch event I’ve been thankful to be part of since the rekindling of the TCO effort here at Ohio State.  Its a great forum for ideas to market mentality.  It occurs like clockwork every 2nd friday of the month at 730am here in the South Campus Gateway at TCO.

Every event packs in over 100+ people ranging from curious newbies, to experienced entrepreneurs, to software developers, ad agencies, law firms, venture capitalists, moms, students, scientists, bakers and beer makers.  Any and all are welcome.  Its a great event and next year I look forward to being part of another 48 startups many of which may succeed, many of which will fail, and all of which will learn and believe and continue to propel the dream.

Stay frisky Columbus!

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