Year in Review

In the blink of an eye, my freshman year at Ohio State has come and gone. These past nine months in Columbus have given me the greatest opportunities and friends than I could ever imagine. Upon entering college, I truly did not know what to expect. I soon realized how independent I would become from the minute my parents waved goodbye. Setting a goal for myself at the beginning of the school year motivated me to excel not only in academics, but in community service and student organizational clubs. This led to my involvement in GHI (Global Health Initiative club), as well as two nursing clubs at Ohio State, NSPIRE and BSNA (Buckeye Student Nurses Association), where I learned from different nurses about the endless career paths and opportunities within the nursing field. Through these clubs, I had the opportunity to practice small nursing components and vitals on patients in need around the Columbus community. I look forward to continuing my involvement in all of these clubs throughout my next three years and I am excited to begin my role as a leader of BSNA as Fundraising Chair in the fall of 2019. Being a member of the Health Sciences Scholars program has greatly contributed to my success as a first year. I have found lifelong friends through this program and have been offered opportunities which have greatly influenced my desires in a future career. I look forward to the second year service project in the program next school year where I will continue to enhance and improve upon leadership, academics, and community service.

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