Susan Yoon, Associate Professor, College of Social Work |
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
Presentation Title: Introduction to Growth Mixture Models
Growth Mixture Modeling (GMM) is a statistical technique that allows researchers to identify multiple unobserved sub-groups of growth trajectories within a larger population. The primary goal of GMM is to identify meaningful subgroups and describe distinct patterns of longitudinal change in each subgroup. The purpose of this introductory seminar is to provide a conceptual overview of GMM to help the audience develop familiarity with the basic concepts of GMM and explore the applicability of the GMM approach in their own research. Concrete empirical examples will be used to illustrate modeling concepts and approaches. The audience will have the opportunity to learn and discuss the ways that GMM may be appropriate for answering research questions in various disciplines, including but not limited to the social, behavioral, educational and health sciences.
*Participants are expected to be familiar with structural equation models.
About Dr. Yoon
Dr. Susan Yoon’s research seeks to promote resilience and well-being in children who have experienced childhood trauma, including child maltreatment and exposure to family violence. Her research focuses on investigating pathways to positive and healthy development among maltreated and violence exposed children, with a particular interest in identifying multi-level protective factors that buffer against early trauma exposure and understanding the role of fathers in enhancing resiliency. She was a recipient of a Fellowship for University-Based Doctoral Candidates and Faculty for Research in Child Maltreatment from the Children’s Bureau, ACYF, HHS. Dr. Yoon’s federally funded dissertation research received an honorable mention for Outstanding Social Work Doctoral Dissertation at the 2017 Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) annual conference. She received her BA and MSW from Ewha Womans University in South Korea and earned her Ph.D. in social welfare from Case Western Reserve University.