Volunteer Page

July 17-21, 2017
OSU Research Commons
3rd Floor, 18th Ave. Library

Volunteer Now

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Method Festival. We are looking forward to an event that is both fun and interesting for graduate students – so we definitely need your help!

There are many ways to get involved. Check out some of the options below:

Help With the Program
Volunteers can get involved with the Festival in many ways. We will need folks who want to get involved in the (1) programming by introducing speakers, hosting the poster session, moderating discussion groups, or leading interactive activities. If you are interested in working on the actual programming during the Festival, we will need to know when you are available.
Take a look at the Festival Schedule and let us know which events interest you!

Help With Marketing and Logistics
We are also looking for people to help us with (2) marketing and logistics – things like sending out emails and tweets, posting flyers, setting up and tearing down – some of the more “behind the scenes” type activities.

Help With Research and Evaluation
One more way to get involved – conducting (3) research and evaluation. We would like to gather data before, during, and after the Festival to help us answer some of our key questions like: what types of activities do graduate students like? What king of programming should be plan for next year?

And more generally, we are very interested in getting your ideas for making the whole thing FUN! Most of the areas above will require a bit of involvement before the Festival. We will need to meet with you to brainstorm, share ideas, and make plans. If you can commit to 1 or 2 hours (and maybe a few emails) before the event to get organized, that would be perfect!

For more information, please contact Julia Yan at rmc@osu.edu. She will be happy to meet with you by phone or Skype to talk things through and get you connected with the best volunteer experience!