Portrait Edits

To edit these images, I first started to enhance the eyes by adding a brightness and contrast layer mask. Then, I colored in everything else black except for the iris and pupils of the eyes. Then, for my self-portrait, I used the screen blending mode to make my eyes a brighter brown color. For my brother, I added an additional hue and saturation mask to give his eyes a greenish color. For the frequency separation, I created two copies of the original image to create a colors layer and texture layer. I blurred out the image in the colors layer, and then subtracted the colors in the textures layer. I then chose linear light as the blending mode. Through this process, I was able to enhance the images. On the texture layer, I used the healing brush tools to even out the skin tones and remove blemishes. Both mine and my brother’s cheeks were quite red and pink, so I tried to reduce the redness in the images. Then, I used the dodge and burn tools on the colors layer to highlight the areas of the face that light reflects off of, and added shadows to darken some areas of the face.



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