Welcome to the home page of the Rivet Lab at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
Headed by Dr. Rosie Bauder, our team within the Rivet Lab seeks to understand the factors that influence suicide risk and improve empirically-supported treatments for PTSD and suicide. Additionally, we seek to explore these topics within communities that are often underrepresented within this field of research, including women and those with gender and sexual minority identities. The Rivet Lab is affiliated with the Suicide and Trauma Reduction InitiatiVE (STRIVE) at the Ohio State University; STRIVE is a multidisciplinary team of clinicians and researchers at The Ohio State University conducting a broad array of clinical, exploratory, and preclinical trials to improve suicide and trauma prevention and intervention. STRIVE is the only research institute in the US that explicitly focuses on developing, refining, and improving treatments and care in the area of suicide, trauma and PTSD, and firearm violence risk reduction. For more information, go to our website by clicking here.
Using the menu tabs at the top of the page, you can:
- Learn More about STRIVE and our research.
- Get to know Dr. Bauder and the other members of Our Team.
- Explore our Past Projects and previous findings.
- See What’s New and all upcoming opportunities that are on our horizon.
- Get Support for yourself or someone you know who may need it.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by! If you have any questions about the Rivet Lab or have any issues with accessing our site, please feel free to contact our Project Coordinator, Jarrod Hay, at jarrod.hay@osumc.edu.