

As a logistics specialization student at Fisher, I’ve had the opportunity to learn what it means to be a young professional.  Since coming to Ohio State, I’ve had the opportunity to grow as an individual by learning how to job search and learn from the positions I take on.  I am a current intern with Columbus Micro Systems, a Westerville based technology company, where I handle our company’s shipments.  I’ve learned a great deal about time management, operations, and how to grow a mid-size company.  Some skills I’ve improved upon are my creativity, critical thinking, and communication skills.  In Summer 2021, I will be working as a Management Intern with Dayton Freight and I hope to learn more logistics specific information as I work with them.  Attached is a copy of my resume.  I’ve had the privilege to become involved with extracurriculars in addition to my professional experiences while studying at Ohio State.  Both of these have helped me grow into who I am today and I am excited to see where my future leads.

Resume Jan 2021 – Copy