
In order to enhance my overall experience at Ohio State and improve myself most as a person throughout my time in college, I have decided to lay out the following goals for myself for the next three years. Each of these goals fits one of the 5 pillars of Honors and Scholars at OSU.

  • Global Awareness: My goal is to find time to study abroad or go on a Buck-i-Serv trip. This will help me increase my knowledge of the world and therefore better me as a person.
  • Original Inquiry: My goal is to take as many difficult classes as I can for my electives- not simply take the easiest option available. Taking more difficult classes that will challenge me academically will increase my overall knowledge and challenge me to be my best.
  • Academic Enrichment: I will join academic clubs in order to increase my knowledge about many subjects, as well as deepen my current knowledge.
  • Leadership Development: I will attempt to take more leadership positions in my scholars community, the Mount Leadership Society Scholars.
  • Service Engagement: I will do service for the community by taking a service learning course next semester and completing 75 service hours throughout my next academic year.

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