Next Flight back to Rio

hanging flags  Now that we’ve gotten back into the swing of things, with classes and studying and stress, its almost soothing (or maybe thats depression I don’t know for sure) to reminisce on the memories of Rio de Janeiro. This post circles back to my pre-departure post about the other flags seen in the airport. These flags pictured here were hanging from the ceiling at the train station at Corcovado mountain. These flags really spoke to me in a bigger way than the previous. Each flag has a different patten from the next, different colors, shapes, and story. Some share the same meaning, while others drastically different. And yet, with so much difference between them, they are all assembled beautifully together, assembled as separate entities all apart of one bigger picture. In Brazil, we experienced a culture different than our own, and that was only one country! Each flag can serve as a symbol of a different culture. This merely scratches the surface on the sheer vast amount of different cultures in this world to be experienced.  There are so many more, with differences and similarities to others at all ends of the spectrum! I think one should strive to experience all of these cultures and develop a wider global awareness.

Finally, this picture remains one of my favorites from Rio. I am not the artist behind this awesome picture, COMPLETE PHOTO CREDIT TO ASHTON. Still, this picture resonates as such a cool and modernistic representation of the city in its entirety. The text pictured here (if you can’t see because it is cut off) has a heart and then Rio, in a very simple, modern font. Very evidently so, the “R” is damaged, which i think is such a strong parallel to city. The city of Rio is largely a modernistic and evolving one. There may be its rough patches, such as poverty, crime and violence as a whole, despite that it maintains its beautiful image as “Cidade Maravilhosa”.heart rio


parrot sketch Finally, one of my sketches. (No judgement I’m not an architecture student) This is from the botanical gardens, a wonderful experience. This is a sketch of one of the birds i briefly saw. I had been waiting for the majority of the trip to see some beautiful birds and upon visiting the botanical gardens, I was sure I would finally find them. Upon getting there, I saw a whole lot of beautiful vegetation and structures, but not a whole lot of beautiful birds. I spent the entirety of the visit looking to the sky hoping for a glimpse of the precious *golem voice*. Finally in a split second, it was there! A beautiful green bird, conure was my assumption. I stumbled to get out my phone to take a picture, and just like that, it was gone. At first i was disappointed, but that really is the nature of birds. They are fleeting, never in one place for too long, one moment they’re there, the next they’re gone. I think that accurately portrays society, always in a state of change, never placid. One could view this as sad, as sometimes things do not return to the original state, or one could view it as beautiful, and appreciate the fleeting moments as they come.

Did I tell you I ran into Gisele on the beach?


It is hard to believe that the trip is already over. I’ve had several dreams about Rio in just the past few days. I’ve never missed a city this much ever in my life. Something was so magical about the city and I wish I was there right now.


I miss the group.

We are a group that naturally bonded together and it didn’t take much time and effort for us to know each other and learn about other’s characters. I appreciate the variety of personalities that we had, out-spoken, or hilarious, or quiet, or thoughtful. I wish I could be in Monday classes more often so I’d be able to see you guys more often.  Sorry I don’t have more group pictures because you guys already uploaded most of them…

I miss the people.

I love how friendly the country is. Every one we met there was so nice and welcoming, the crazy taxi driver that gave me a real life experience of fast and furious; the cool front desk person that always told me the direction in perfect English; the kids that we played with at the museum; the girls worked at maracana that loved my awful Portuguese jokes; the homeless guy that taught me the “surf-brake” handshake; and Vanesa the best guide I can ever ask for, and so on. This is part of why I like Rio over London because it feels more like home.


I miss the food.

Oh my God. Where else are you gonna get a meal full of steak, pork, chicken, beans, rice and tons of other stuff for less than ten bucks? I miss the food so much, particularly when I don’t have much time during the day and stuck with the café food at Knowlton. Feed me please.

I miss the culture.

“Você é linda” (You are beautiful.) I made so many Brazilian girls giggle by saying that. In fact, Rio is beautiful. Can’t speak Portuguese? No problem. It’s actually hilarious to communicate with hand signs and body language, and most people are very patient when you are talking trying to understand you. It’s kind of different in States, as people seem to be more ignorant about foreigners, often times you would hear someone saying “I don’t speak Spanish, sorry.” Instead of trying to listen and help.

I miss the beach.

Beach, sunshine, coconut water, swimming suits, waves, 90 degree days, Cristo Redentor smiling you every day, what more can you ask for? That is the life.

I miss Rio.


Here’s an exclusive teaser of “Rio de Janeiro: The Movie” directed by John Dai.

Rio Video Sneak Peak

Post-Trip Entry

Today marks exactly 2 weeks since we embarked on our journey to Rio. At this time, we would have been sitting in the Atlanta airport filled with excitement as we waited to board the plane to leave for Rio. It’s hard to believe that was two weeks ago, and now I’m sitting here looking at the snow falling outside of my window, wishing that I was instead laying on the beach in Ipanema.

The trip was absolutely incredible and I truly hope that someday I will be able to return to Rio de Janeiro. I’ve been to many beaches in the United States, but nothing compares to laying on the beach while admiring the beautiful, mountainous landscapes just beyond the shore. The views from Sugarloaf Mountain were by far some of the most breath-taking views I have ever experienced. I loved having the opportunity to explore the city each day surrounded by a group of people that were just as interested in the architecture and landscape as I was. Being part of a study abroad group while traveling is something I had never experienced before. It was a totally different experience than traveling with friends and family. It was also always interesting to come back to hotel and see what other people thought of the sites we visited by reading the blog entries. I especially always enjoyed viewing other people’s sketches. I was amazed by all of the sketching talent in our group, everyone’s sketches were so beautiful and amazing!

Overall, the trip was amazing and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn about the culture of Rio and meet so many wonderful people. I will forever cherish the memories made in Rio de Janeiro and I can’t wait to go back someday!


Comparison of Rio to second day back in Columbus!

Comparison of Rio to second day back in Columbus!

Post Trip

It has been days since came back from Rio. After finished all of the accumulated work of Spring Break, I finally got some time sitting down and think about the whole trip. Honestly, I have never think of I would go to Brazil so it is complete a surprise that I got this opportunity through Knowlton. The Rio trip really taught me a lot and I really had a lot of fun.

Before the departure, we are told to pay 120% carefulness to our belongings as well as ourselves in Rio. Thus I pictured a city with lots of homeless on the streets and police officers carrying guns standing in every neighborhood. But at the same time, I know the city is chosen for holding 2016 Olympic games and it is also a world famous tourism place so Rio has to have some reasons for being chosen and become such an attraction. What a mystery trip! After I got there and after few days of experiencing the city, I had totally different impressions. By walking down the city, it looks quit safe and relaxing. There are lots of people walking on the streets with their dogs and countless people hanging out on the beach. All of these make people assuming this is the whole image of this city. But Rio is a city with more than 6 million people and it is certainly that not everyone’s life is like that. Soon I found that southern part of the city is the tourism area and the western part is the place that most citizens are living and working. Luckily I got the chance to see both sides of the city. And observing how the most of people in Rio is living. The biggest impression Rio gives me is it is showing the existence of poor and rich so incisively and vividly. Even in downtown area, simple, broken houses exist among bunch of skyscrapers. Many countries have similar situation but Rio is one that showing it so directly. Also, as there are so many amazing architectures in the city, the contrast is even more obvious.

The Rio trip let me experienced the pleasure of exploring a new city both with a group and individually. Even though I have done some research about where to go in Rio, there were still some sites that Aimee and Troy took us surprised me, like the botanical garden. I did know there is such a place like that. Also, in free day we explored Rio downtown, besides the visit of Escadaria Selarón, which we planned ahead, we also discovered lots of new places that we never thought of in downtown. I guess that is the meaning of traveling- seeing things you never expected. 🙂



It was a long week after we got back from Rio. Tons of homework, papers, exams followed up the Spring break. It was just hard to relax in the middle of the semester. I was super tired after we got back from Rio at the beginning of this week, so I drunk a lot of water to re-hydrate myself to get over jet lag. Everything went smooth so far; I just missed the time we spent in Rio.

The weather dramatically dropped down from 85 F in Rio to 30 F here. It was a good feeling wearing short on street. I did wish summer would come faster to Columbus this year. It was a little bit snowing early today, but everything roused up from sleeping. It was so nice to see the little purple flower sprouted up on mud outside my house.

Photo 3-27-15, 1 45 51 PM

Rio is such a beautiful and unforgettable city. From the Copacabana beach, Ipanema beach, Maracana stadium, botanical gardens, to the sugarloaf mountain, Christ Redeemer status, etc., Rio attracts people world widely. I was so glad we had the chance to see so many beautiful sites during our trip. I enjoyed this trip a lot! It was such a good experience to travel aboard with a group of friends with different majors. And everybody in this trip knew how to take care of themselves and help others.

It was so cool to see the culture of Latin American easily on street. I appreciated all the efforts Aimee and Troy had made. It was the best trip ever for me to travel with a group of friend


The day we left Rio was raining again, just like the day we left Columbus…


I felt relaxed in the trip. The time of visiting one project was well controlled, so we spent a good time on visiting and understanding it, meanwhile we had enough time to sketch or experience it. That was more than I expect, this was an exactly trip what I want that I could learn something while relaxing myself.

The idea of blog is super wonderful. In fact, I go through the blog every day, reading others’ blogs is fun. It is interesting to see other guys’ experiences, some are extremely different from me, but some have the same feeling with me. I would like to see how they read this city.

When I came back, my classmates are super curious about my experience in Rio. “How was your spring break?” “Was it good?” “Is it much warmer than Columbus?” “Did you see Niemeyer’s work?”… In order to answer these questions quickly, I posted several photos which can present my understanding of Rio on facebook. There were so many nice memories in Rio, it is hard to use limited photos to show the city.


Back To The Real World

Unfortunately, the weather back here in Columbus is not quite what we experienced in Rio de Janeiro. However, I am so thankful to have had the chance to go on a trip like that. I predicted I would be indulging myself with newness and a whole range of cultural experiences, and this trip exceeded my expectations. I did so many things that I would have put on my bucket list, if I knew they even existed before this trip. The place and people were great. Not only was a cool experience, but I learned a lot while I was there. The stress free atmosphere tends to rub off on you while you’re there, so it was nice to take a break from worrying about everything. Now, we have to go back to the grind of school, work, getting good grades, extracurriculars, clubs, and the list of things that stress us out goes on. But when I think of being in Rio or look at pictures, I feel like there is a little bit that I brought back with me. I won’t forget the people I met or the things I did and experienced while in Brazil. The Carioca lifestyle is a lifestyle that I could definitely see myself wanting to experience again. Until next time, Rio.

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Back in the Snow

Since coming home to Columbus and reflecting on my trip to Rio I have come to realize that out of all the places I have traveled to, Rio is by far the most unique city I have seen. I am still in awe of its landscape and culture, something that I don’t think I will ever fully understand. The city utilizes the landscape in ways I had never seen before, such as the favelas climbing the morros, making the best of an ‘undesirable’ location. I was also amazed by the tunnels going under the morros, these extensive roadways were carved through the landscape causing minimal changes to the ground above it, true tunnels are common in the U.S. as well, however, I have only seen one other tunnel that rivals the impressiveness of the tunnels in Rio. The most amazing thing about the city was the minute details that gave the city its vibrancy17899_10206155642155321_7196572364319707353_n 10383118_10206155633595107_2626008949129084617_n rio, this is especially significant when in terms of the vegetation; never before have i seen such beautiful shapes and colors. Overall Rio is a truly beautiful city and I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to spend a week there. Now as I sit at my desk the bright sun and soft sand of Rio seems like a dream, but it is a dream that I will hold onto and always cherish. I hope that one day I am able to return and continue my adventures in Rio.




Unforgettable Memories

It is still hard to believe the trip in Rio has ended. For these days coming back to Columbus I always have a feeling that we are still in Rio and when I woke up it seems the sunshine is behind the window and the sound of waves…but going home is good as well! At least I can eat my favorite foods! I will miss the fresh fruit juice but honestly, most Brazilian food are not my cup of tea. However having a experience of traditional food like Feijoada is still awesome. It is a really marvelous feeling that when you come back, you feel accomplished; and after a rest of few days you rethinking about your trip, lots of memories have been reminded and you become surprised we have been experiencing so much. 

We`ve really experienced so much indeed. All the photos I collected in my computer, all the sketches I finished and being added, making me hard to forget this wonderful trip. And this is one of most impressive parts of what I have learned in the one week: the power of experience. Many things If you personally experienced you will get a better understanding,  and understanding of your own. That is what you cannot get only from looking the Internet page or pictures from books. Like the architectures and gardens we visited during this trip, only when you are really there, inside or in front of it, you understand its scale and the relation with the surroundings; for example, the cathedral we visited in the middle of downtown, surrounded by a bunch of modern buildings, making a strong comparison with its traditional and religious appearance. And like the Sitio and Botanical garden, you will never get to know how many types of botanical plants are in there, but when you are in there, you get a sense of what the botanical gardens looks like and their difference with our conventional garden.

Before this trip I wrote in my pre-post that I hope this trip will be an unforgettable, precious memory, and I`m really glad to give a conclusion now that it has been realized.

Miss every moment in Rio de Janeiro

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I must say that the Rio trip is truly an amazing experience for me. From this trip, I have achieved a small dream in my life. That is seeing a real soccer game in Brazil. In 2014 world cup, at that time I was in high school in China, I have told to my best friends that I really want go to Brazil to see a real soccer game. But it was really far away for me to fly from China to Brazil. And I always heard that Brazil is dangerous and I am afraid of going along. Luckily, I have the chance to go to Rio by this trip. And finally my dream came true. I did saw a real soccer game in the Maracana Stadium. That was really excited! I sat at the first row, watching the whole game and cheering for the victory of the Flamengo team. This experience will preserve in my heart forever.

From this trip, not only my personal experience get richer but also I have gained more academic knowledge. Like we have walked a lot to see lots of fabulous architectures as well as landscape architectures. Like the Contemporary art center, Metropolitan Cathedral, Ministry of Education and Health, and so on. My favorite is the Metropolitan Cathedral. I was inspired by the appearance of colorful windows inside of the Cathedral. The color of the window was emphasized by the deep dark of the other part of the roof. The colors stand out and I get addicted to it. What’s more, going to visit the real architectures can make me remember and understand them better. Oscar Niemeyer and Roberto Burle Marx were then not only a name of a famous architecture or a landscape architecture but also is someone that I have visited their projects in real! That makes me feel I am familiar with them and would like to explore them more.

Culture experience is also a big part in this trip. The food, the local people, the handicraft and the art on the street all gave me a deep impression. I will never forget a lunch with rice, chicken, black beans and mango juice on the street; sunshine and coconuts on the beach, colorful hand-make craft in the hippie fair and the song The Girl from Ipanema by Vanessa on the bus to airport. I really miss every moments in Rio de Janeiro.

There’s no place like Rio


If I close my eyes and click my heels three times, will I wake up on Praia de Ipanema drinking fresh coconut water, tasting the salt from the Atlantic Ocean and staring out at the mountainous coastline of Rio de Janeiro? Will I hear the sounds of locals playing beach volley and vendors walking around trying to sell their jewelry, umbrellas, caiparinhas, or beach wraps? Will I feel the hot Brazilian summer sun on my face and the soft sand between my toes? There’s no place like Rio, and it’s all but a beautiful memory now.

As I sit here in Columbus looking out the window at a landscape that was covered in snow just yesterday, I can’t keep my mind from wandering back to those 85 degree days when I was able to walk around in a sundress and flip flops. So many images flash through my mind like walking on the Portuguese stone-covered sidewalks, sketching on top of Pao de Acucar while listening to Brazilian music coming from an island down below, hiking through Sitio Roberto Burle Marx being submerged in the most incredible variety of plant life and swatting at blood-thirsty mosquitoes, walking around downtown admiring the grand architecture, taking a stroll through Parque do Flamengo before stuffing myself almost too full at Porcao, watching a lightning storm behind Cristo Redentor from the hotel rooftop, the list could go on forever.

Every day was filled with such new and different experiences, and with each one I told myself “this is it, it can’t get any better.” I was proven wrong every single time. I really had that “this is it” moment on the last night; I was sitting on the rock at Praia de Ipanema watching the sun disappear beyond the horizon with some friends that I never expected to become so close with. It was so surreal, and a memory I hope never escapes my mind. The trip could have ended at that moment and I would have been satisfied because it couldn’t possibly get any better. I truly thought I was right until we went to a Samba dance club downtown where locals taught us how to Samba and we danced the night away to a wonderful live singer.

I had grand finale of “this is it” moments the next morning on the bus to the airport as Vanesa sang to us “The Girl from Ipanema.” I soaked in every last view of the mountains, beaches, and neighborhoods I possibly could. I don’t think I will ever hear a version of that song that will sound as good as it did when Vanesa sang it to us on our last drive out of Rio.

Before I get too carried away, I will end by saying this trip to Rio de Janeiro was one of the most phenomenal experiences I have yet to be a part of; it has opened my mind to the world outside of the US and only increased my desires to experience as much as I possibly can. I have gained the confidence I was seeking to be a successful international traveler and I proved to my family and to myself that if I put my mind to it, traveling is a very real and possible thing and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon.

Nevertheless, there is no place like Rio de Janeiro.



Reflecting From Snowy Columbus



It didn’t hit me that the week was coming to an end until Vanessa sang “The Girl From Ipanema” to us on the bus ride to the airport. As I looked out the window at one final view of mountains and stars and sand, I was overwhelmed in thinking about all of the amazing experiences from the trip.

One of my favorite aspects of the trip was working to overcome the language barrier. It was a fun challenge to communicate with such little common language. Most of the locals that we encountered seemed willing and enthusiastic to talk with us and tell us about their city. I think that the largest way that I was able to overcome the language barrier was by communicating emotion; compassion, love and empathy are universal.

Everything that we did during the week was incredible, but there are a few moments that were particularly breathtaking. Walking through the favela was a reminder that the media often only covers a single angle of a situation; I had read about the drug-lords and crime, but never about the incredible sense of community that has arisen. I was awestruck by the view of the city from Sugarloaf Mountain on our first evening in Rio. It really allowed us to see how heavily dictated the architecture is by the prominent natural landscape. Experiencing the landscapes of Roberto Burle Marx gave me the sense of peace that only gardens can evoke.

Our week in Rio de Janeiro gave me an even stronger yearning to travel. Every place that I visit makes me realize just how much there is in the world that I don’t yet know about. There are so many people to meet and adventures to be had, and I’m so thankful that I was able to enjoy this one!


Being back in Columbus only brings one felling to both my mind and body. Simply put, this feelings is the feeling of shivering. I thought the three blanket incident on the delta flight back from Rio would be the last time I was shivering this year. I had great expectations of spring as we headed home. I had remained in contact with some people in Columbus during our brief yet glorious tenure in Brazil. They were telling me that it was indeed warming up in preparation for spring. The very next day after I arrived we receive 2-3 inches of snow. I truly think it is impossible to express my sadness into words when I saw that first flake fall. It was an absolute blessing to be able to seek refuge in a tropical climate for 9 days, drink Caipirinhas on the beach, visit some of the best examples of contemporary architecture, as well as getting to know and hanging out with some pretty swell individuals. I am really going to miss all the bartering for cheaper goods, as well as the freshness of everything: whether it be the culture and people around or the food that I eat. I feel as if I am already suffering from churrascaria and fruit juice withdrawal. I will never forget this trip for as long as I live, and I hope this will not be my last trip to Brazil as I had such a great time the first time around.



As I write this sitting in the living room of my apartment, I have a Flamengo soccer Flag and Christ the Redeemer statue staring me in the eye. These two objects just bring up the question, is it really over? It only seems like yesterday that I was in class learning how to say Bom Dia and Obrigado (good morning & thank you respectively- both words which I used a lot down in Rio). It also seems like yesterday that I boarded the bus to go to Port Columbus to depart for Brazil. But as I turn my head away from my Brazilian keepsakes, I feel the cold 36 degree weather of Columbus running down my back. So to answer the question above, yes it’s over.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s forgotten. I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart this is the single greatest experience of my life. To pinpoint one thing I loved about Rio would be impossible, but as a whole it has combined to give me a week of my life that will never be forgotten. From getting so close with my classmates, to all of the wonderful sites we visited, to the amazing soccer game I saw at Maracana, to even just lifting weights in the “rock weight room” on the beach, everything about Rio de Janeiro was amazing. And saying this experience is the greatest in my life is no joke. This trip tops the experiences of watching my favorite NHL team win a Stanley Cup in person, my favorite NBA team win a championship in person, and all of my high school sports experiences which includes a soccer State Championship. I truly mean it, this Spring Break to Brazil was the greatest.
This wouldn’t be possible without my teachers Aimee and Troy who helped create such an awesome program before, during, and now after as I am able to describe it here. All of the sites we visited greatly contributed to my study of the culture in Brazil and I think I now have a good understanding, at least in Rio, of how life goes about in Brazil. This experience also wouldn’t have been possible without our wonderful tour guide Vanessa. From her great knowledge about everywhere we went, to hooking us up with the exclusive places, and to getting us front row seats at the Flamengo game, this trip would’t have been as good as it was without her.
So the next question I think that is appropriate to ask is what is next? Well, I wrote in my pre-departure blog that I hope this trip inspires me to travel more. And with 110% confidence I can say that I will. I am excited to see what else the world has to offer and the many beautiful places that are around just as Rio was. What is also next is me finishing up school, graduating, and finding a job back home. But what about Rio de Janeiro and myself? I think if everyone went to a fair or market in the city, they saw the I (heart) Rio shirt. For me, the I and Rio on that shirt have combined as one to go into my heart as I truly fell in love with the place. So I for one will definitely be back to the city soon. And what is actually crazy is that on the plane ride back from Atlanta, I was reading a book titled “100 Greatest Philosophers of All-Time”. In that book, a philosopher named St. Augustine was described. And one great quote from him that sums up my experience is “the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” For my first time opening up the book of travel, I think I found the greatest page to read and that is Rio de Janeiro.