The Green of Rio

My favorite moment of our one short week trip in Rio de Janeiro, would be time we visiting gardens or the designed landscape relating to the famous buildings. In all, Rio is so different with Columbus, including culture, foods, people, language, buildings, etc; and also without doubt, the plants, trees, flowers in nature, which grow in South America.  Architects and Landscape architects have taken the advantage of characteristics of their local environment, and their designed landscape look so distinguishing with those I used to be familiar with. My first experience of the Brazilian garden, is the sitio of Roberto Burle Marx. Things are all new to me there; so many trees and plants I have never seen, and only if you are really in there, you can understand its scale; all the trees and flowers are in large scale! even the mosquito btw: ) I really enjoy the time spending in the sitio; all the things look green, but not the same green actually. The plants had been selected carefully, and they always being placed in a pattern of depth of color; in the middle is a large tree with dark green leaves and surrounded by other smaller lighter green plants, or in the opposite order; and layer by layer the change slowly going on; giving people a feeling of dynamic change even only in the color of green.


I have the same feeling when we visited the botanical garden, and the small garden in front of the Ministry of Education and Health, below is a sketch I draw for it. How the Brazilian landscape architects deal with the harmony of botanical plants in their garden impress me a lot in this trip.


Impressions of Rio de Janeiro


Looking back to the sketches I did in Rio remind me a lot of experience I got from Rio. Rio is a city that combines so many unique features: beach, mountain, plants, and busy urban. The city of Rio is deeply influenced by the beaches because all kind of activities happen on the beaches. There are people jogging along the beach, laying on the beach, working out and playing volleyball on the beach. Beach become a place where Brazilians show their passion. The comparison between Copacabana and Ipanema is a way of showing how the urban is developed along the shoreline.


img049The day we went to visit Christ the Redeemer is really foggy that you cannot even see Christ’s feet. But I still enjoyed the unique view seeing through the fog. We have seen a lot of photos taken in a sunny day and Christ the Redeemer is hugging the whole city. Seeing even part of the status has already amazed me how huge it is and how much work and time it took to build it.





img045img044img047Inserted in Rio culture, Rio de Janeiro Cathedral has such a different interior and exterior look. My impression of the exterior when I saw it was a lot of concrete and this cathedral has such a strong characteristic. And the interior has such a strong pattern of colors, worked with the natural light from the outside. We also went to the Nossa Senhora do Brasil Church, whose scale is so much smaller than the cathedral. Different from the cathedral, the church is following the European style.

It is so fascinating to see the landscape and architecture in Rio, which speak to the natural contexts of Rio so much. Every piece of land tells a story of the city.

Back in the Snow

Since coming home to Columbus and reflecting on my trip to Rio I have come to realize that out of all the places I have traveled to, Rio is by far the most unique city I have seen. I am still in awe of its landscape and culture, something that I don’t think I will ever fully understand. The city utilizes the landscape in ways I had never seen before, such as the favelas climbing the morros, making the best of an ‘undesirable’ location. I was also amazed by the tunnels going under the morros, these extensive roadways were carved through the landscape causing minimal changes to the ground above it, true tunnels are common in the U.S. as well, however, I have only seen one other tunnel that rivals the impressiveness of the tunnels in Rio. The most amazing thing about the city was the minute details that gave the city its vibrancy17899_10206155642155321_7196572364319707353_n 10383118_10206155633595107_2626008949129084617_n rio, this is especially significant when in terms of the vegetation; never before have i seen such beautiful shapes and colors. Overall Rio is a truly beautiful city and I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to spend a week there. Now as I sit at my desk the bright sun and soft sand of Rio seems like a dream, but it is a dream that I will hold onto and always cherish. I hope that one day I am able to return and continue my adventures in Rio.




Botanical Gardens Visit

The visit to the botanical gardens has been one of my favorite locations so far. Initially, I did not think I would be very impressed with a big garden and a bunch of plants. However, it proved to be much more than an ordinary old garden. It is similar to the city in that each garden is a separate environment from the rest, with its own distinction and attributes to the garden as a whole. However, it is a place that provides a stark contrast to the noise and hustle bustle of a busy week day in Rio. The lush plants and abundance of water block out the city noises and surround you in an environment of calmness and serenity. The city seems, to me (a student who would be lost in an hour if driving its wild winding roadways), to be unorganized and confusing. However, the gardens have a clear organization and order with main axes and connection routes between and through gardens. The city is full of concrete, brick, and stone, whereas the gardens provide an abundance of organic plant life and animals (even monkeys). This gives a natural feel to the surroundings, like a place where you could relax and think clearly away from the chaos of the city. It is difficult to catch all of the color and lush plants and color in a sketch or even a picture.IMG_4023IMG_3928

Some plants sketches

We have visited two amazing gardens in recent couple of days, Sitio Roberto Burle Marx and Botanical Garden. Although the two places are all full of tropical plants, they give people different feelings. The landscape in Sitio Roberto Burle Marx is denser, and the plants are planted on hills like small forests. Also the landscape design near Burle Marx‘s house contains sustainable concept (rainwater reuse system). Thus, generally speaking, Burle Marx’s design gives people a feeling of home and makes people feel peaceful. There are some places and things there that really impressed me, like the using of stones and plants together and Burle Marx’s variety of collections. Those are where some of my sketches are come from.

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The Botanical Garden makes me feel it is a more formal design, especially the using of two rows of palm trees to define a road. Perhaps it is also because of palm tree is the symbol of royalty. The garden has more species diversity. I noticed the garden has some species from different parts of the world other than Brazil, like the Japanese garden and the plants in some green houses. Overall, it is different from the Sitio Roberto Burle Marx not only because it has a larger scale design, also because they have different design concepts. The place I chose for my sketch is a short road leading by two rows of palm trees, and at the end of the road is a statue standing on a center circle piece of land surrounding by trees. I saw it as the miniature of the main feature of the graden.

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Rio- record this colorful city


Rio is a giant palette. In this city, I think most people can find their favorite color. During this trip, I tried as much as I can to record the color in this city.

Today is the last day, we went to the downtown to see the famous”Escadaria da Lapa”.  When I first enter this area, the typical Brazilian color- bright green and yellow was filled my eyes. The main stairs captured my eyes so quickly, they also arose my curious to explore higher and higher. Beside the flat stairs, the topo is arised so dramatically. It lookes like several cubes extrude from the soil and they stand there so vertically that I noticed that almost every visitors wanted to climb these big stairs and took pictures with them. The colorful tiles on the surface told the story of Brazil, it is an interesting way to show the history of the city and inform and educate citizens as well as visitors.

The second picture has a little bit Mediterranean expressions. It reminds me of Greece because of the blue.




At night, we went to the top roof. From here, we can see the night vistas of Rio. What a charming and peaceful city! The lighting makes the foreground so stand out.



Moreover, the botanic garden is full of color. Different color. I didn’t take photos by my phone, it is hard to express the garden by one sketch, but one thing I want to say is, because the shade of the foreground plants and background plants, the hierarchy of foreground and background also can be told by the color.

Botanical Garden in Rio

DSC06021The garden is indeed a museum for all kinds of tropical plants in Rio. I am so fancinated by the garden, all the individual plants and the way the designer use it to organize space. Every trunk of the trees are so unique. They are all like telling a story of the garden. Seeing all the movements of different human beings and other species everyday, they are always there. I am also very inserted to see the contrast between the older plants and the new plants. In this garden, you can see almost a tree life cycle at one time- they changed a lot.


DSC06017 It is very impressing that he designer used different trees to create the boulevard that help people to locate their location and direction. And use elements like a fountain to guide people’s view.

DSC06020The lily in the lake area all match with its context, which decorate the flat open water surface.
There is a Japanese garden inside, which reminds me the planting material it used in the other part ps of the garden- bamboo. It is interesting because the designer provided a different way of using the bamboo. We usually plant them in a linear way, but here bamboo are in branches. Created a lower canopy for the visitors. That might be because all the palm trees are growing much higher, which lose the canopy ceiling for people. But the bamboo are now functioning like this.
It inspired me that sometime, the same planting material can be used in different ways if designer can design with their features.

Tropical Plants Worlds

We visited Sitio Roberto Burle Marx two days ago and it was a fantastic experience to see the very different tropical plants work together and create the very typical tropic style environment. Roberto Burle Marx is the master landscape architect in Brazil, just like how famous Oscar Niemeyer in architecture field in this country. Sitio Roberto Burle Marx was his manor and working place and he collected about 3,500 species tropical plants to create his private landscape world.

As a person lives in temperate regions in the most of the time, I have never seen so many tropical plants and I can not name any of them. Roberto Burle Marx is a genius for using and collocating different plants to create various atmosphere. I was impressed by two things: scales and colors. There are so many species that it is a hard thing to well organize all of them but Marx used diverse plants with their various sizes of leaves and put them together to form textures and give different sense in different areas in his manor. Because of the diversity of the species, the colors of the vegetations are countless. Despite the showy colors of the flowers, the green colors of all the foliage are never the same. There are so many kinds of green colors as well as orange and yellow color and they all together create a colorful tropical worlds.

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Botanical Gardens

One of our last big tours and visits we took on the trip was to the Botanical Gardens. This was one of the best sites in terms of relaxation and just a peaceful atmosphere. I was able to get some real good sketches in. I found this trail near the back of the gardens and followed it for a bit. Now I’m definitely not a nature guy by any means, but I can appreciate it. The trail was so serene just being surrounded by trees and water. I eventually came to a random concrete bench in the forest which was where I did my first sketch.
I continued on the trail until I finally decided to veer off of it and head down some steps. There I found a small waterfall which was beautiful. This was where I completed my second sketch. Some of the other highlights of the Gardens were the huge row of Palm trees which Vanesa explained the significance of. I also really enjoyed the Japanese Gardens. They had this cool path in the water that you were able to step out on and almost made it seem like you were in the water.
Another site that also caught my eye was the Bromeliario which contained a beautiful waterfall piece that was nice. I also found a lady from Sweden there who spoke English and said she actually knew where Ohio State was. Small world! But overall the Gardens as a whole was awesome. I was able to really meditate and just take time time to think about life with no distractions. This site is definitely one I recommend if anyone were to visit Rio!
A picture of my sketch from the first place I stopped along the path.

Mapping Our Days

One piece of technology that we’ve implemented here in Rio is a GPS puck which, when paired with a smart phone, can track out movements through the day. Below are the results from our downtown tour on Monday as well as out trip out to Sitio Roberto Burle Marx on Wednesday.


Monday 3.16.15

Downtown via Metro, walking tour of Palacio Gustavo, Capanema, Metropolitan Cathedral, Lapa District. Visit Museum of Modern Art, Flamengo Park before group dinner at Porcão.

Downtown Tour

Downtown Tour

Wednesday 3.18.15

Bus to Sitio Roberto Burle Marx and group lunch.  Return to Rio for cog train to Christ the Redeemer and return to hotel by metro.

Sitio Roberto Burle Marx

Sitio Roberto Burle Marx


Botanical garden

we went to the Botanical garden in Rio today. It is a big world for different kinds of vegetations. It is a good place for people to relax and have fun. But when I first saw the two lines of palms at entrance, it made me feel really serious and it seems that I would went into a palace. And when I got deeper into the garden, I felt more relaxed. The big trees created lots of shield places for people to enjoy the cool. And I really like the use of circle in the garden. I always believe circle make me feel more casual and relax. Like there are some circle shape area to plant bamboos and I enjoyed the time sitting among those area (except I was bitten by mosquitoes hardly at that time).image
And small circular lake in the garden is also a beautiful spot. There are some circle shape vegetations on the surface of the water and makes this spot looks harmony.
image What’s more, the circular void surrounds the fountain can be a good public gathering place for people. At the time I waiting for the group here, I saw a overdressed Brazil girl taking photos here. Her father told me that she is preparing for her 15 year old birthday party and that is why she is taking photos here.
imageThis place gave me a good spot to communicate with the local people to understand more about their life.I enjoyed the time I spent in the botanical garden.

Walk through the palms

a final walk out of Jardim Botanico of the group through the Royal Palm Avenue-

imagethough I have experienced many palm trees in my life, these palms in Rio

Royal Palm avenue at Jardim Botanico

Royal Palm avenue at Jardim Botanico

hold a special place in my memory







Finally, an adventure using yet another mode of transportation for the group the Metro Superficie


Blood-thirsty Landscape

Sitio Roberto Burle Marx was magnificent to experience both visually and auditory. Although many of my classmates quickly became walking buffets for the mosquitos, the bugs seemed to not like me very much (maybe i´m just not sweet enough). It was fairly humerous to see my classmates jumping around and swatting at each other as well as themselves in a feble attempt to fend off the air raid of mosquitos. That being said, I was intrigued by the feeling of immersion that overtook me as we walked throughout the matter where we were along the path there was so much foliage that I felt almost consumed by the plants. It was impressive to see the sheer number of species of different plants located on the site. Igor said there were some 3500 different species of which Marx himself discovered 40 species. This was a little shocking but inspiring to hear about such a prominent figure trudging through the forest in hopes of discovery. It was also inspiring to see some of the plants which had been growing since he himself brought them to the site in 1949, meaning some of those plants have been there and continued to grow for more than 65 years. The fact that this was a personal site as well as later being protected by the government allowed the plants to grow without boundaries. There were some plants that I was able to recognize, however they were far larger than I had ever seen before. Some of the leaves of the plants were as large as my torso. I was also impressed by the restoration and incorporation of the previously existing derelict buildings. Roberto Burle Marx was a true Renaissance man in that he was able to successfully incorporate nature, art and architecture into one beautiful site.

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Niemeyer’s curving world

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Niemeyer’s world has high identity. Curving shape, white surface, round circulation… He introduces me into his own different architecture story. Oscar Niemeyer foundation building, white smooth surface make the building looks very neat when I stood in a distance. Also, the giant volume and big ramp determines the height of the building, which creates a sacred atmosphere there. He also used the color of yellow which reminds me I am in Brazil now, it is so real, and so Brazil! The most interesting point of his work is the ramp. I fancy it so much because I cannot only see the vistas from the building, but also my perspective view of Landscape is always changing according to the height of my sight and different horizontal spot. Moreover, it is good to see how people move on this ramp, how can people flow from different direction.

In addition, it is obviously that Niemeyer like to use water. It makes the hard space more soft. For the Niteroi art meseum, it blurs the edge of the building. I feel like the building embraces the landscape so nicely.

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The two sketches which is the Education& Health building and Niteroi art meseum. Straight line VS. curve line. Enjoy.

Some Sketches


Today we went to the Niterói Contemporary Art Museum. It stands out from its context so much that we were able to see it from a distance. It looks like the house in the movie “Iron Man”, which located on the cliff of the seaside and have an amazing panorama view. But the landscape design around it is a little bit disappointing. I think if the reflecting pool under the architecture can be extended even more and connect with the hard pavement, it will help the architecture stand out even more.

DSC05470副本 This is a sketch of the landscape design of palacio gustavo capanema, which help connect the architecture with its adjacent sidewalks. The height of the vegetation also change in elevation (higher inside and lower outside), which create a canopy for the paths into the side. The columns of the architecture speak to the trunks of palm trees, growing high and straight.

DSC05472副本 This is a quick sketch of Niemeyer way in Niteroi and some patterns on the facade of the building. The buildings are very much like the dancing movements, curvilinear and elegant, simple and strong.

Roberto Burle Marx landscapes

Today we had the opportunity to explore landscapes designed by Roberto Burle Marx. The first was outside the Ministry of Health and Education, and consisted of a series of landscapes on both sides of the structure. I loved the way the organic, curvy forms of the gardens contrast with the harsh angles of the building. Aimee pointed out how skillfully Marx aligns a row of Palm trees behind a row of columns. I think this is an awesome way to unite the landscape with the architecture. I attached a sketch that I did at this landscape of one of the many beautiful plants incorporated in the design.

I was even more impressed with Marx’s “parque praia,” the long park that hugs Flamenco beach. He transitions from one type of landscape to another seamlessly, making each part of the park distinct while allowing each of those parts become part of a larger, cohesive whole. I loved how he incorporated things like a skate park and amphitheater that attract people who may not otherwise visit the park. Like the landscape outside the ministry of health and education building, Marx uses gentle curves to lead you smoothly from one area to another. In addition to admiring the landscape, we got the chance to try slack lining with some friendly cariocas!


Centro e Praia do Flamengo

Step after step we traversed through downtown Rio de Janeiro (centro) absorbing the sites and sounds of a city in full swing during the work week. It was interesting to see the city so lively during the week as compared to the weekend. Although there were alot of people throughout Copacabana and Ipanema during the weekend, the amount of traffic and noise in the city doesnt even compare to the work week. One of the most shocking things to see other than the amazing architecture and landscapes were the way people interacted with each other. People were talking to the police (which almost never happens in the USA), walking in the middle of traffic holding normal conversations, and the cars of the city seemed to be in a constant horn battle to see who could honk their horn the most. I really appreciated walking as opposed to a bus tour because I think a derive throughout a city is truely the best way to experience and discover new things about a city. However, after the tour of Centro we were set free to roam throughout Parque do Flamengo. Parque do Flamengo was aboslutely beautiful in that once inside, I felt completely immersed in nature. Roberto Burle Marx was able to accent both the architecture as well as the surrounding landscapes with his plant choices as well as his precise organization of the plants: weather they were as small as a lilipad floating in a reflecting pool or as big as the linear organization of 60 foot palms.   This was a nice cap to a long day of walking because we got to stroll along the beach soaking in the sea breeze as we made our way to churrascaria porcao.


Amazed by Rio

We got to explore Rio a little bit more today, mainly around Ipanema and Capacabana beach. It is so good to lay on the beach and run into the sea. I saw a lot of interesting trees along the beaches and streets, which I think we might be able to see some of them in the botanical garden.






I think this is Ficus microcarpa, which I used to see a lot in south China. It has those interesting roots on its branches.








I don’t know the name of this plant. I found this on the sidewalk around Ipanema area. It looks like a scaled pineapple.










This is a tree I saw on the way to the Capacabana beach. It has some hanging planter attached on its trunk. A living planter!!!








Vanessa introduced this Rio snack to us on Ipanema beach, it is called Globo. It has two tastes- sweet and salty and will melt in your mouth.





We are sharing the Globo together, I like the sweet one 😉







We had an amazing lunch/dinner in “nomangue”. We had a combination of different seafoods. The grilled lobster is so good. You can almost smell the fresh air from the sea.



Reflections on the First Day

This city has a syncopated rhythm. The people walk slow and drive fast. It is a New York smeared across a tropical forest. The beauty that comes from that is captivating.

It seems like every inch of this city begs to be photographed. The people are kind and patient with a grand kind of showmanship about it, reveling in any stumbling bit of shared communication as much as I did. Trying ask if a vendor made his bags himself was rewarding for both of us, him smiling with a proud “Sim” and me thrilled in successfully generating my question. I bought the bag for R$ 97, $33 in the US.

The view from Morro de Urca toward Niteroi.

The view from Morro de Urca toward Niteroi.

The journey to the top of Pão Açúcar was calmly amazing. The impression of this landscape is irresistible, the city is nothing without it. At the top of the mountain, the grand sweeping views were inverted in the tight and tiny patios all along the top park. I felt I could have stayed and sketched there forever, it was so varied, and so quiet. The city seems to have learned how to create moments of sublime peace like these from the hills themselves.

A small patio on the bay-side of Pao de Acucar

A small patio on the bay-side of Pao de Acucar

At night a group of four of us went up to the rooftop pool, which we thought was a hot tub because of its appearance. This city and country seems to understand the value of rooftop spaces in a way that I wish the United States would. All along the Ipanema promenade full-grown palms, ferns, and bushes can be seen flowing over rooftop patios. Our pool area serves as more than water recreation; the multi-platform space serves as a semi-private urban space to socialize. The views brings about a feeling of voyeurism about the city, giving grand views from the comfort of the private rooftop.

A terraced green space teetering on the edge of Pao de Acucar

A terraced green space teetering on the edge of Pao de Acucar