
As I write this sitting in the living room of my apartment, I have a Flamengo soccer Flag and Christ the Redeemer statue staring me in the eye. These two objects just bring up the question, is it really over? It only seems like yesterday that I was in class learning how to say Bom Dia and Obrigado (good morning & thank you respectively- both words which I used a lot down in Rio). It also seems like yesterday that I boarded the bus to go to Port Columbus to depart for Brazil. But as I turn my head away from my Brazilian keepsakes, I feel the cold 36 degree weather of Columbus running down my back. So to answer the question above, yes it’s over.
However, that doesn’t mean it’s forgotten. I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart this is the single greatest experience of my life. To pinpoint one thing I loved about Rio would be impossible, but as a whole it has combined to give me a week of my life that will never be forgotten. From getting so close with my classmates, to all of the wonderful sites we visited, to the amazing soccer game I saw at Maracana, to even just lifting weights in the “rock weight room” on the beach, everything about Rio de Janeiro was amazing. And saying this experience is the greatest in my life is no joke. This trip tops the experiences of watching my favorite NHL team win a Stanley Cup in person, my favorite NBA team win a championship in person, and all of my high school sports experiences which includes a soccer State Championship. I truly mean it, this Spring Break to Brazil was the greatest.
This wouldn’t be possible without my teachers Aimee and Troy who helped create such an awesome program before, during, and now after as I am able to describe it here. All of the sites we visited greatly contributed to my study of the culture in Brazil and I think I now have a good understanding, at least in Rio, of how life goes about in Brazil. This experience also wouldn’t have been possible without our wonderful tour guide Vanessa. From her great knowledge about everywhere we went, to hooking us up with the exclusive places, and to getting us front row seats at the Flamengo game, this trip would’t have been as good as it was without her.
So the next question I think that is appropriate to ask is what is next? Well, I wrote in my pre-departure blog that I hope this trip inspires me to travel more. And with 110% confidence I can say that I will. I am excited to see what else the world has to offer and the many beautiful places that are around just as Rio was. What is also next is me finishing up school, graduating, and finding a job back home. But what about Rio de Janeiro and myself? I think if everyone went to a fair or market in the city, they saw the I (heart) Rio shirt. For me, the I and Rio on that shirt have combined as one to go into my heart as I truly fell in love with the place. So I for one will definitely be back to the city soon. And what is actually crazy is that on the plane ride back from Atlanta, I was reading a book titled “100 Greatest Philosophers of All-Time”. In that book, a philosopher named St. Augustine was described. And one great quote from him that sums up my experience is “the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” For my first time opening up the book of travel, I think I found the greatest page to read and that is Rio de Janeiro.

Botanical Gardens

One of our last big tours and visits we took on the trip was to the Botanical Gardens. This was one of the best sites in terms of relaxation and just a peaceful atmosphere. I was able to get some real good sketches in. I found this trail near the back of the gardens and followed it for a bit. Now I’m definitely not a nature guy by any means, but I can appreciate it. The trail was so serene just being surrounded by trees and water. I eventually came to a random concrete bench in the forest which was where I did my first sketch.
I continued on the trail until I finally decided to veer off of it and head down some steps. There I found a small waterfall which was beautiful. This was where I completed my second sketch. Some of the other highlights of the Gardens were the huge row of Palm trees which Vanesa explained the significance of. I also really enjoyed the Japanese Gardens. They had this cool path in the water that you were able to step out on and almost made it seem like you were in the water.
Another site that also caught my eye was the Bromeliario which contained a beautiful waterfall piece that was nice. I also found a lady from Sweden there who spoke English and said she actually knew where Ohio State was. Small world! But overall the Gardens as a whole was awesome. I was able to really meditate and just take time time to think about life with no distractions. This site is definitely one I recommend if anyone were to visit Rio!
A picture of my sketch from the first place I stopped along the path.

Cristo Redentor

The visit to Cristo Redentor (or better known as Christ the Redeemer) was a very special one for me. Not to make it about religion, but I myself am Catholic so this experience was especially breath taking. Though the clouds were heavy when we went up, just being up there was good enough for me. I tried all angles to look at Cristo Redentor but to little luck.
This was still very humbling in the sense of just how large the monument was. I mean just being around different parts of the city for a few days before actually being up there, you could see Cristo Redentor at almost every stop you made. I have hundreds of pictures of him at different angles all in different spots. But actually being up here puts the thing in perspective.
I had a very nice moment to myself up there religiously but I also took the time to examine the statue as a whole. It is truly amazing the detail that this statue has. For as big as it is, you wouldn’t think it would be that detailed. But the cloak that Christ was wearing (which was almost all I could see) was very detailed. I also enjoyed the train ride up. Going up through Corcovado provided a lot of good scenery and views. I am planning on going back to see it when the sky is clear which will hopefully be Friday!




Futbol Game!

So I haven’t had a chance to post yet with a busy night and morning, but last night (Wednesday) was one the best and most memorable experiences of my life. A group of us went to a futbol game last night at the famous Maracana Stadium. And the game/stadium did not disappoint. We were taken in a bus to the stadium, directed to our seats, and taken back to the hotel after the game. A very good deal for only 210,00 reais!
For the game itself, it was awesome! We watched Flamengo FC play G.E Brasil in the first “fase” of the Brazil Cup. When we got our ticket, I didn’t know where our seats would be. I thought we’d be lucky to even get a seat in the upper bowl. But sure enough, as great as our tour guide Vanesa has been on this trip, we got hooked up with front row seats!
I’ve grown up and played soccer my whole life. I played on the varsity team at OSU for three years and the sport itself since I was 5 so I know a thing or two about soccer. But this experience blew away all expectations I had and increased my personal passion for the game even more. Flamengo won 2-0 including a last minute goal that was unforgettable. What this experience taught me was how passionate Brazilian people are about the sport. In essence, soccer depicts their culture. And that was seen by the away team refusing to sit down and stop cheering even though they were losing and even after the game was done. So, I can officially cross seeing the world’s greatest sport in the world’s greatest stadium in the world’s most passionate soccer country off of my bucket list. image


image Awesome cultural experience!

The Business Side

While I have been introduced to, examining, and looking at the architectural/landscape side of the sites we have visited and passed as a group, I have also been individually looking at Rio in a business perspective as well (my major). One of the first things that I’ve noticed is that a lot of the people in Rio are self-made. Self-made meaning that they are busy selling things themselves. No matter where you go whether it’s the beach, downtown, or even just walking on the sidewalks there is someone trying to sell you something.

In the business world, this would probably fall under the category of personal selling. All of the vendors are nice (even though the language barrier is hard) and it seems like they truly care about you. A lot of the business takes place in markets and fairs. One of my first experiences with this was the Hippie Fair. I was able to use my negotiating skills to bargain on some quality Brazilian items.

Another part of business in Rio that I have been looking at are the actual corporations. Subway, McDonalds, and Burger King are all the big names down here that are familiar from America. What is interesting is that they have offerings that are tailored to Brazilian culture like the picante burger. One food place that isn’t in the US but is big here is Bobs. It is similar to the other fast food restaurants that deliver burgers. Some other businesses that I have seen include Sherwin Williams and Pizza Hut. One thing I’ve noticed is that almost all of the buildings the businesses are in are connected. A lot of the buildings are also vacant. I will be interested in continuing to look at this side of the trip some more.

The Good Stuff!

After a good night of a little R & R, I think one of the main things that I have come to love about Rio is the many tastes the city has. From the first day on Sugarloaf Mountain with the ice cream we ate, ever since my taste buds have been craving the local food. On Sugarloaf, the group stopped for a nice dessert which included delicious fruit and ice cream. The second night we were here, the crew had a great (unplanned) sort of buffet family dinner. I got to try and eat new foods that I have never had before.image

The third day was a day filled with a lot of walking. We looked at many sites and a lot of architectural buildings downtown. What was nice was that we were able to find our own way to our final destination of the night and that was the delicious Porcao. I have to say this was one of the best restaurants I’ve ever eaten at. I myself am a big meat guy and Porcao was the definition of that. image

During the fourth day of lunch, we were again able to experience and find something of our liking. I decided to get pizza. It was very good topped with ham, onions, and green peppers. This was a little  different than the normal pepperoni that I am used to. Along with food, I’ve had my share of the local drinks here. The local draft, Brahma, is very good as is the Caipirina. I am usually not one to try new things but since I’ve been in Rio, I have been falling in love with doing such things.image

It’s Actually Here!

As I sit in the Port Columbus airport outside of Gate C55 (our flight gate to Atlanta) it is finally hitting me that we are officially going to Rio. 6 months ago in November when I found out that I would be going on this trip, I was very excited but I put it to the side because it was so far away. Even when the course started in January and I started going to the required class, I still sort of put the trip to the side because it was a few months out.

But now it has really hit me and I can’t explain the excitement/anticipation that I am feeling. Having only traveled out of country to Windsor, Canada thus far in my life, Rio de Janeiro is a big step up as my first real international trip. To be honest, I don’t know what to expect down there. We have gone through various cultural lessons such as learning the language, political leaders, and customs of Brazil, but I don’t think learning about the culture actually compares to being immersed in it. I do plan on taking it all in though and making the most of this experience so I can write this as another great chapter in my life.

This is an experience of a lifetime and I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to do this. I am looking forward to everything we have studied and learned about. Out of all the sites planned, I cannot wait for Christ the Redeemer. That will truly be a breath taking experience I think. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the 10 hour flight. What is there to do?!? It looks like I finally have to study for Econ. Bummer!