a free day wandering in Rio

Rio de Janeiro is a city that I want to wander around to every corner of the city, and today is a freeday! Zen, Ran, Yuanyuan and I decided to explore the city more. We went to the post office and sent a piece of Rio to our families and friends, hoping to share with them our wonderful experience in Rio.IMG_7126
DSC05853Our second stop is the Escadaria Selarón, which is a long, colorful steps. It reflects the colorful side of Rio. The materials it used is kind of mosaic, which share the same method with the pavement of pedestrians in Rio ( as we can find in along the beach and in the downtown area). Each mosaic is unique in terms of its shape and story. The step is like a collection of art from all the citizens and the story is continuing as you are walking along the steps, I can almost image the steps can be continued by generations and generations, which will finally become a stepping way that tell the story of Rio, an outdoor museum.
DSC05848The bright colors reminded me the green tropical plants in Rio, which is a huge contrast with the steps in color. The experience is so different from the Botanical garden, which was full of green. The trees along the steps also created shades, adding another layer for the Escadaria Selarón. The bright, high-contrast colors shined under the sun, which attracted a lot of tourists. We spent a huge amount of time there and really enjoyed ourselves.

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