
IMG_2896  Despite my far inferior “O” i am very excited to have taken the iconic Ohio State O-H-I-O (or should i say o-H-I-O) picture. I feel very proud to represent this university in our travels abroad to Brazil, especially with the newly opened Gateway in Sao Paolo. They say you can travel anywhere in the world and yell “OH” and hear an “IO” in return.While we didn’t yell OH into a crowd, we still are spreading the buckeye spirit to the beaches of Brazil (Ipanema beach specifically). I prefer Ipanema beach to Copacabana beach. Copacabana is a major hotspot for tourists, and while that may mean nice hotels and possible fellow english speakers, it merely scratches the surface when it comes to immersing oneself in the culture. Next door however at Ipanema however, is where many more locals can be found. The feel is much more authentic, much more “carioca” than at Copacabana. The beach goers are surfing, laying out and enjoying the heat. Plus, if you get there early enough, the vendors have yet to arrive and you can have a leisurely morning free of the constant pressures to buy “shrimp” or a beach wrap. It is interesting to see, two beaches so close in proximity, literally next to each other, with such differing dynamics.

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