
The day we left Rio was raining again, just like the day we left Columbus…


I felt relaxed in the trip. The time of visiting one project was well controlled, so we spent a good time on visiting and understanding it, meanwhile we had enough time to sketch or experience it. That was more than I expect, this was an exactly trip what I want that I could learn something while relaxing myself.

The idea of blog is super wonderful. In fact, I go through the blog every day, reading others’ blogs is fun. It is interesting to see other guys’ experiences, some are extremely different from me, but some have the same feeling with me. I would like to see how they read this city.

When I came back, my classmates are super curious about my experience in Rio. “How was your spring break?” “Was it good?” “Is it much warmer than Columbus?” “Did you see Niemeyer’s work?”… In order to answer these questions quickly, I posted several photos which can present my understanding of Rio on facebook. There were so many nice memories in Rio, it is hard to use limited photos to show the city.


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