Miss every moment in Rio de Janeiro

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I must say that the Rio trip is truly an amazing experience for me. From this trip, I have achieved a small dream in my life. That is seeing a real soccer game in Brazil. In 2014 world cup, at that time I was in high school in China, I have told to my best friends that I really want go to Brazil to see a real soccer game. But it was really far away for me to fly from China to Brazil. And I always heard that Brazil is dangerous and I am afraid of going along. Luckily, I have the chance to go to Rio by this trip. And finally my dream came true. I did saw a real soccer game in the Maracana Stadium. That was really excited! I sat at the first row, watching the whole game and cheering for the victory of the Flamengo team. This experience will preserve in my heart forever.

From this trip, not only my personal experience get richer but also I have gained more academic knowledge. Like we have walked a lot to see lots of fabulous architectures as well as landscape architectures. Like the Contemporary art center, Metropolitan Cathedral, Ministry of Education and Health, and so on. My favorite is the Metropolitan Cathedral. I was inspired by the appearance of colorful windows inside of the Cathedral. The color of the window was emphasized by the deep dark of the other part of the roof. The colors stand out and I get addicted to it. What’s more, going to visit the real architectures can make me remember and understand them better. Oscar Niemeyer and Roberto Burle Marx were then not only a name of a famous architecture or a landscape architecture but also is someone that I have visited their projects in real! That makes me feel I am familiar with them and would like to explore them more.

Culture experience is also a big part in this trip. The food, the local people, the handicraft and the art on the street all gave me a deep impression. I will never forget a lunch with rice, chicken, black beans and mango juice on the street; sunshine and coconuts on the beach, colorful hand-make craft in the hippie fair and the song The Girl from Ipanema by Vanessa on the bus to airport. I really miss every moments in Rio de Janeiro.

One thought on “Miss every moment in Rio de Janeiro

  1. Hi Heyi, I am so happy to have so many wonderful memories with you guys! When I was in China, I didn’t know Burle Marx, but after coming here, I found out that American landscape architects have a crazy interests in him. Although I have heard his projects a lot, it is only the content in the textbooks you know. Now I totally know how amazing his works are!!!!! And now I am a big fan of him as well as Niemeyer!!!!
    It is so nice to have nice weather there. I hope one day we could go back to Rio and trace the footprint we had~~

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