Niemeyer’s Architecture World

It is a precious experience to visit four Niemeyer’s projects and explore his architecture world in one day. The trip gives me a very clear sense of his design concept. Every Niemeyer’s architecture can be considered as a sculpture art work and the use of concrete to create the pure form and interior space is really masterpiece. As a former architecture student, I was not familiar with Niemeyer and his works before I learned him in our class. But today, I am totally attracted by his architecture spaces.

In my view, all the four projects are similar in some ways: one volume split by the line — the ramp. As the guide mentioned, Niemeyer’s stylised shape in his work is inspired and represented the curves of Brazilian women. While, I am more interested in the inner space of his project instead. Especially walking in the Oscar Niemeyer Foundation building, we can see the fantastic interior space created by the architectural shape, light, and shade. The architecture makes the material alive in Niemeyer’s world! However, I regret for the present function of the building. I do not think it a good space for office use but a best space for exhibition.

Another thing I am a little disappointed is the lack of consideration of landscape in his work and none of these projects we visit today has landscape design. Well, forget about this and see wonderful photos I take today in Oscar Niemeyer Foundation building!

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