Flamengo Beach

03/16/2015 Monday

Standing in front of the Flamengo beach, everything is so pretty. I closed my eyes, and I can feel the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair. Sea water hits the rocks rhythmically, like the ocean is playing her solo to sing the praises of the sunset. Mountains, buildings, bridges, everything blend into one line at the edge of the slight. With the line of edges in the middle, things become symmetric: the sea becomes a mirror that reflect the light from the hidden sun. I love the color of the sea since it reflects the color of the sky.

Flamengo Beach


I count this Flamengo beach as the last mark of today’s long walking tour around downtown area. We had a really long-distance walking today, and I was so tired at the time we arrived Flamengo beach. But at the moment I saw this wonderful view, I felt so relaxed: everything is so great and peaceful. Along the beach, I can also see people do all kinds of exercises: walking, running, dancing, yoga, stretching, playing volleyball, playing soccers, etc. Brazil people are very involved in sports. They do know how to use their natural geographical and climate advantage, such as beach, ocean, and tropical weather, to make them live happier and healthier.

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