First Day

This has been an absolutely perfect day, although it started out a little rough due to being uncomfortable on the plane, It has certainly turned into a wonderful day. After leaving the airport we took a bus to the hotel and by driving through the city we were given an amazing view of the various neighborhoods. The favelas came straight up to the highway so we were able to see an interesting view of them without actually being in them. It amazed me that although they are simply shacks and run down buildings, it didn’t seem like such a horrible place to live. I understand all of the issues with the favelas but as I viewed them I couldn’t help but notice the little things like a tricycle on a roof or a beautiful garden on a patio. these things gave the favellas a sense of life and community that you don’t hear about in news stories and such.

Once we arrived at the hotel I was pleasantly surprised by our room, it is simple yet beautiful, perfect for this trip. I was excited to explore the local neighborhood with the group after settling in and I thoroughly enjoyed walking through the streets.

Our next adventure was to Sugar Loaf  and it was beyond amazing. Once we reached the peakimage of the mountain Ana, Reyna, and I followed a path through the jungle to a little bench overlooking Copacabana and Ipanema. It was the perfect opportunity for us to sketch and as we sat there we listened to Brazilian music coming from a small island down below, the entire experience was perfect, I hope to always have that memory.

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