Pre-Departure Entry

Well, I am currently on hold with Delta Airlines, so I decided that this would be the best time to write my pre-departure entry. I am trying to get everything in place before leaving in … 11 hours. I figured it would be best to obtain my Delta Skymiles account information before waking up tomorrow since I know that I still have a lot of last minute packing priorities to take care of when I wake up. At least maybe tomorrow night I will be tired enough to fall asleep on the flight since I know that I am not going to get much sleep tonight. At this point (1:30am) I would say that I am roughly 70% packed. I just hope that I don’t forget anything!!

I have to say, I am getting really excited to leave for the trip tomorrow! I feel the past days I have been so busy that I haven’t had the opportunity to really realize that we are about to travel to BRAZIL! (Side note: the Delta hold music isn’t too terribly bad – minus the automated guy that keeps informing me of all of the wonderful opportunities that Delta flights offer. However, he fails to mention the price of the “fully-reclining seats”.) Anyways, back to the pre-departure anticipation and brief overview of what I am most looking forward to. I am super excited to learn about the culture of Rio first-hand and experience many new things. The trip to Sugarloaf Mountain on our first day is something that I am really looking forward to because I am thrilled to experience the breath-taking views from the top of the mountain. I just want to continuously remind myself to take in every moment and cherish every scent, taste, and sight of Rio de Janeiro.

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly nervous for the flight tomorrow. I have always enjoyed flying but I always get a little nervous leading up to the actual take off. I just remind myself of the wonderful place that we are actually flying to and that seems to allow me to relax.

I wish everyone the best of luck as they finish their last minute packing and I hope everyone at least gets some sleep tonight!

At this time tomorrow we will officially be en route to RIO!

Good night!