It’s Actually Here!

As I sit in the Port Columbus airport outside of Gate C55 (our flight gate to Atlanta) it is finally hitting me that we are officially going to Rio. 6 months ago in November when I found out that I would be going on this trip, I was very excited but I put it to the side because it was so far away. Even when the course started in January and I started going to the required class, I still sort of put the trip to the side because it was a few months out.

But now it has really hit me and I can’t explain the excitement/anticipation that I am feeling. Having only traveled out of country to Windsor, Canada thus far in my life, Rio de Janeiro is a big step up as my first real international trip. To be honest, I don’t know what to expect down there. We have gone through various cultural lessons such as learning the language, political leaders, and customs of Brazil, but I don’t think learning about the culture actually compares to being immersed in it. I do plan on taking it all in though and making the most of this experience so I can write this as another great chapter in my life.

This is an experience of a lifetime and I am so blessed to be given the opportunity to do this. I am looking forward to everything we have studied and learned about. Out of all the sites planned, I cannot wait for Christ the Redeemer. That will truly be a breath taking experience I think. The only thing I am not looking forward to is the 10 hour flight. What is there to do?!? It looks like I finally have to study for Econ. Bummer!