First-year engineering, I’m back!

When I started teaching, it was in a first-year engineering context, and I simply feel in love with teaching that level. There is an unmeasurable excitement in the class related to the newness of everything and the start of college careers. I forgot how powerful that feeling is, and it’s been giving me energy since my first class this semester. Each day I come home with a smile and know that teaching first-years is a huge part of that.

The start of this year has also been tricky since this is the first time I’m back in the classroom, in person, since March 2020. Like many of the colleagues, this is challenging, and I felt very rusty. However, it’s also rejuvenating! After a year and a half of only seeing students on my computer, I see them in real life! It’s amazing and surreal to be in a room and relive all those things I didn’t realize I was missing related to student-instructor interaction. Online, we did the best we could, but there are some things that could never be recreated.

Even with all the excitement and energy, there is still uncertainty. I’m hopeful I don’t get sick, my son doesn’t get sick, my students don’t get sick, we continue with in-person instruction, I get to travel for a conference, etc. That said, I’m also realistic and know that my hopes might be dashed. That’s ok though because I feel more resilient than ever to deal with adversity and the unknow. At the start of the pandemic, the unknown was really too much for me, but now, I have the tools to adjust and move forward.

As you move forward this semester, remember that you too have the tools to be successful. We have all learned something about ourselves during this time, and we now need to use what we’ve gained to move forward and do great things. You are not alone in this journey, but remember to also reach within as you reach out and reconnect. Like my first-year students, I’m excited for this academic year and am ready to start a new chapter in my college career.