Personal Development

My recent involvement in e-sports with The Ohio State University has influenced my development in unexpected ways. First off, I have become more motivated to excel not only on my team but in school as well. Aside from it benefiting my e-sports career, the increase in motivation also has raised my grades and inspired me to work ahead on several assignments. Second, making the team and being a part of something on campus has made me happier as a person. I am more confident now, and my mood throughout the day has increased. Since I am happier now, I have become more proactive and hardworking on school work and my e-sports endeavors. Last, my development from joining the e-sports organization at The Ohio State University has broken me out of my shell. The first couple of weeks at college, I was not social at all with other students at the university. I had no friends at the end of September, but, after joining the team, I have finally made some friends of my teammates. Because I have finally made some friends, I have finally started to socialize more and acting more natural in my daily life. As I continue to invest more and more time and effort into this team, I hope for these developments to continue to grow and make me a better person. Not only is this venture a passion of mine, I have found it to be beneficial to my school life and continues to help me grow.

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