About Me

Hello, my name is Hannah Riddle. I’m a second year majoring in International Studies.

I’m obsessed with finding adventure, capturing amazing moments and people (not literally, but you know, like in writing or on film), and attempting to leave my mark (though this usually consists of an overanalyzed Instagram caption). Sometimes I like to hike, sometimes I like to pretend to understand great works of literature, sometimes I like to play music (just learning the ukulele). I overuse parenthesis and underuse the word “plethora” (don’t we all?). I do a lot of things, just most of them are performed at a sub-par level (am I selling myself yet?). I’m just trying to wade through life collecting all the participation trophies I can, and this website, in some ways, is kind of my trophy case.

I love my degree. I’ve loved the *few* classes I have been able to take in my major thus far, and I love the topics on which I have completed projects. When I was little, I wanted to be Kim Possible. While my other childlike fascinations faded, this one just morphed into something more realistic. I realized that I may not be able to become an animated, disproportionate, red-haired 17 year-old super spy, but I could work in the government and make the same differences she was making. You know, minus foiling the plans of a blue, rectangular super villain. This realization led me to the Security and Intelligence major. Should I be telling you all of this? The CIA hasn’t contacted me with threats yet, but hopefully this doesn’t take me out of the running (if you guys are reading this, I’m totally still down for the Kim Possible thing).

OSU was, quite honestly, not my first choice, but it has treated me well. I have learned so much already from classes, the International Affairs scholars program, and other extracurriculars/internships. I still have a lot to learn.

If you’ve made it this far, you must really be interested (or it’s your job), so thank you for reading. I hope you can say you know a bit more about me.