Jump Rope Club

During the Autumn Semester of 2016, I joined the Ohio State Jump Rope Club. This club was the first university-sanctioned jump rope club in the United States, and is therefore responsible for setting an example to the other budding clubs across the country. Through participating in this club, I have met world-class jump ropers, as well as gained experience planning a national event in which multiple colleges and clubs across the country are participating. This has helped develop my interpersonal and leadership skills, and opened my eyes to another world to which I was completely oblivious. It has encouraged me to suggest individual functions and team building activities, and has been a very rewarding experience. The club is unique in that its members are from every grade level and multiple majors, making the connections that I am able to make more diverse than they would be in a club that is directed towards my major. Overall, the experience has been a positive one and I plan on continuing and expanding my participation in the upcoming semester.

Lee Schreiner’s Campaign

This semester (Autumn of 2016), I had the privilege of working on a political campaign as a volunteer/intern. This experience was extremely rewarding, as I worked with my candidate and campaign manager, as well as other interns, to work towards electing Lee Schreiner to the House of Representatives in Columbus. Working with this campaign has deepened my interest in politics and government, and has shown me that I have definitely chosen the right career path. During the course of the semester, I was responsible for door-to-door campaigning, phone banking, and research. I was able to observe the process of ordering literature, the bureaucracy of receiving funding from the Democratic Party and lobbies, and attend events with other members of the Ohio Democrats and politicians. I enjoyed this experience more than words can describe, and I will definitely miss it during the Spring semester.