Millennium Goals Project

I would like to share my United Nations Millennium Goals Project. Though it was accompanied by an audio presentation, I believe the Prezi has much of the information necessary to understand the significance:

This project was important in fostering my growth as a global citizen as it encouraged me to become informed on the topic of education, specifically in war torn regions such as the Middle East. Listening to the presentations of other groups and their millennium goals was also helpful in creating a larger, more detailed picture of the issues going on in the world today. Because I hope to one day work in the world of international affairs (possibly with the UN), it was educational to see the process through which the goals were to be completed. Through this project, I have learned about the disparities in education, whether a result of gender lines, disability, war, or wealth. It has opened my eyes beyond the little bubble that middle class American life has provided, allowing me to see the problem with the lack of education opportunities for primary age students, as well as the quality of education, and the consequences that result from the lack of education.

This artifact has kindled my interest in the Peace Corps and its projects involving the spread of education opportunities and infrastructure allowing such developments. In conclusion, education is a topic about which I am passionate, and this project has helped me realize that it is a world wide problem, meaning that my career could end up involving the dissemination of education on an international scale.


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