Final Project & Reflection

Final Project Overview

My global activity that I have been a part of for three years is Fisher International Friends. The mission of Fisher International Friends is to break through cultural barriers within the Fisher College of Business by fostering the development of relationships between its domestic and international students, providing support to international students as they transition into a new home in the United States, and promoting global awareness. I was assigned a partner who I met with one on one throughout the year and we also attended monthly events together planned by the organization. I truly enjoyed the friendships I made and learning about how those with different backgrounds grew up. I grew as a person listening to other people’s life experiences. I was able to share my expertise about the US and help internationals students transition into life at Ohio State by answering all the questions they had.

I applied for a leadership position and was appointed to the fundraising committee. We had bi-weekly meetings to discuss fundraising efforts and how we can raise money to hold fun events for all our members. I was very passionate about this organization and wanted to see it succeed as it was fairly new.

Final Project Reflection

Fisher International Friends was an activity that significantly impacted me and I had many takeaways from this experience that I can apply in the future, specifically in my career. I grew more confident in my interpersonal skills with international students. There were many planned events throughout the semester such as Resume Workshop Events, study and snacks events, hikes, a North Market food tour, a Spring Game watch party, game nights, and Pumpkin Painting Events where I got to meet many diverse people all thanks to this organization. The relationships I built and effective communication skills I developed made a significant impact in my college life. I still keep in touch with all of my partners to this day. We also improved our professional skills through Public Speaking and Leadership Seminars, Behavioral-Based Interviewing Workshops, and Team-Building, Time-Management, and Stress-Relief Seminars. I got to know everyone on a deeper level through all these events versus only getting lunch once a month for 30 minutes.

Another key takeaway I learned was how to create a safe space and encourage others to speak up and have a conversation. Every semester The English Conversation Program Night took place and it was a conversation space where people felt comfortable and encouraged to go up and talk to anybody. The first half of the night was a short “Networking and Small Talk” workshop with speaking exercises and the second half was a social hour with food, board games, and conversations! As English isn’t international students first language, this allowed them to open up and be vulnerable. We reiterated that it is okay to make mistakes and we there to help them learn from them and gain confidence.

I learned a lot about myself and my mentoring abilities. Another key life skill I took away was not to doubt myself, which I tend to do a lot. I often question why people would come to me for advice or answers because I feel as I know nothing. The feedback I received from my partners was overwhelming positive. I was able to understand how people perceived me and my actions. Often times it is hard to judge our own strengths and weaknesses but hearing it from others validates what I already thought. In my future career, it is important to me that there is some type of mentorship program where I can actively participate. Having someone be there to support you during the good and bad times is crucial for well being.

Global Option Final Reflection

My first goal for Global Option was to meet new people with different backgrounds and engage in thought provoking discussions. I would say I met this with flying colors. I built connections with those who interned abroad in Singapore with me. I got to know my partners, members, and the executive board of Fisher International Friends club. Through taking 6 global classes – International Commerce and the World Economy, The Holocaust in German Literature and Film, Advanced Field Study, two International Business classes, and International Perspectives on Communication – I was able to create lots of relationships through group projects with my classmates and professors. Many of these people I still keep in contact with today and significantly shaped my time at Ohio State.

My second goal was to increase my global knowledge, specifically understanding and appreciating the differences in the ways business is conducted across various geographies. I got to study this in my classes and apply it when I traveled overseas and communicated with international students. There were bumps in the road, as I don’t know nearly enough about our global world, but it is a starting point and I will continue to learn and grow. With all the connections I made, I was able to learn from others and hear their experiences. First hand knowledge is a lot more powerful than readings online.

My third goal was to network and build strong connections with those I meet through this program, which can help me achieve my goal of working abroad. The strong relationships I built as part of goal one helped me advance my professional goals. If I ever wanted to work at Heraeus again I know I can reach out to my contacts there to seek advice. I built such a strong support network system and everyone wants to see me succeed and has offered to help in any way they can. Even my professors know so many different people, if I asked them to put me in contact with someone they know overseas I am sure they would do so without hesitation.

In the future, I plan to apply the knowledge and experience that I have gained throughout this program. I have gained so much that will be important if I take on a global profession. Listening to those around me has proved to be a valuable tool. They have so much experience and advice to give and I took nothing for granted. I soaked everything up and started reflecting on how I can be like that for someone else one day. Professionally, I have learned what it takes to be a great employee such as doing your work on time, communication, and offering to help always! I looked to my co-workers for guidance and as my role models as I will be entering the work place soon. Lastly, my knowledge about our world increased tremendously. I am so humbled to have had the opportunities that I did to learn more about the world we live in. I just took a Global Acumen Survey for another class and did extremely well whereas many other students did not. Most global business assessments measure Intercultural Self-Efficacy, that is, students’ perceptions of their abilities to interact with people that are from other countries or cultures. I am very unique in that I have had many experiences in 20 years that many don’t have in their whole life time.

I really liked this program because it was easy to complete as long as you have a passion and desire to learn about global business. The online requirements and structure of the program was easy to follow. Any time I had a question, the advisor was willing to help and we met on multiple occasions and exchanged many emails. My overall highlight was going to Singapore. Learning outside of a classroom was an amazing experience. Being stuck on campus for four years is a lot, so any chance to get away is one I will always take. While abroad, I had many Skype interviews and it impressed all the employers that I was interning in Singapore. Not many students can say they have the same global expertise than I do.

If you are interested in an education abroad experience, global club and activities, as well as global courses then Global Option in Business is for you! I was able to satisfy my “global hunger” while in the US by taking advantage of every opportunity to grow and learn. If you want to be more competitive in the global business world and enhance your global knowledge this is perfect for you. One reason I did this program was because as an accounting major I need 150 credit hours to sit for the CPA. Instead of taking all fun classes like yoga, skydiving, cardio, and white water rafting I was able to add more substantial classes to my transcript. Companies will ask you about this program and what you took away and you will have so much to talk about. Upon graduation, I will receive a certificate, medallion, and designation on my transcript as I successfully completed all the requirements. I am so excited to move on to the next chapter of my life after graduation.

Global Option Completion Photo

Taken in Chicago December 2019