
Social Media: The Consequences

Today, How many people do you know that do not have smartphones? About 8 years ago, that question would have been asked in just the opposite way: How many people DO have smartphones? The frequent question supports the idea that it is more common to have a smartphone today than not.

The Brainwashing Truth

Clueless cellphone user risks her life and her child’s life by paying attention to her phone over the road. file:///C:/Users/Lauren%20Richie/Pictures/20130809__5a78f2ab-ec58-4be9-897d-625a7b4211cb~p1.jpg

As of January 2014: 90% of American adults have cellphones. 58% have smartphones. (“Mobile Technology Fact Sheet). With more than half of the nation owning smartphones, that creates for a lot of distractions. Most people do not even realize how much they are missing right in front of them, because they are glued to their phones. 10 years ago, the probability of 5 strangers talking in an elevator was much higher than it is today. People will automatically look at their phones in awkward confrontations to avoid eye contact. The face-to-face communication is no longer there. It is not uncommon to go to the movies or out to dinner, only to find the people around you sitting on their phones. It seems that some people only get dressed up and go out to take pictures of themselves. It creates the idea that if a picture is not posted on instagram, twitter, etc. , did you really have a good time? Why is this generation so obsessed with the idea of convincing others that they are happy by sharing everything they do to the public? This is a continuous problem, that only seems to be growing.

Changing Presentation

the popular "selfie" picture to display to the world.,,20790739,00.html

the popular “selfie” picture to display to the world.,,20790739,00.html

Social media is changing the way one’s present themselves. Dana Boyd, a frequent researcher and blogger in the area of social media and technology, stated, “Today’s teens are growing up in a world where social media is everywhere. Regardless of whether or not they have access to these technologies or how they engage with them, there is little doubt that social media is playing a significant role in the changing landscape of American youth. (Boyd).” Social media is everywhere. Young adults are able to illustrate their lives through pictures, tweets, and statuses. While these technologies create for a great way of communication and interactions with peers;  it seems to be a bit too much. Interacting with friends is one thing, but the huge expansion of these medias have taken the interactions to complete strangers or mutual friends that one may never meet. On these media sites, these teens and young adults can choose to be anyone they wish. They can post pictures that create a different image than whom they really are through the use of edits and filters. They are able to send tweets saying things that they would most likely never say in person. With that being said, these potentially fake images are changing the way of presentation in person. It is not uncommon to have an “online” friend that you may have never met in person. I can recall of many times that I have seen an individual in person, and know exactly who the are due to social media, but when encountered face-to-face, I act clueless as if they are a complete stranger. I feel as if this is not uncommon, people are just hesitant to admit to it. It is hard to build a relationship or friendship off of a online basis. With people creating a different image online; others may never be able to relate to the real-world person. A common humorous tweet found on multiple twitter accounts states “Stop editing your pics. What if you go missing? How can we find you if you look like Beyonce on facebook, and Waka Flocka in person (Twitter).” Although this was presented for entertainment purposes, it does have a moral to the tweet; presentation can be fabricated.

Problems Beneath the Skin

the common form of communcaition: texting.

the common form of communcaition: texting.

 Although the use of social media holds many different positive and negative opinions, the upcoming diagnosis’s created from the use of these technologies can affect everybody. “According to a recent study released by non-profit Anxiety UK, over half of the social media users polled said Facebook, Twitter and other networking sites had changed their lives — and 51 percent of those said it’s not been for the better. (Fitzgerald)”. A great deal of anxiety is created through the overwhelming use of technology in today’s generation. Most people can relate to the feeling they receive when losing their phones; almost like you are incomplete. Feelings of sleep lose, anxiety, depression, can all be related to some sort of technology or social media based area. A study from the University of Bergen in Norway, illustrated a study of Facebook addiction; finding a great deal of sleep-deprived individuals were more likely to be Facebook, or social media, obsessed. It was also found that those who are anxious and socially insecure are more likely on social medias because they find it easier than communicating face-to-face. Of those with predisposed anxiety, technology pressures seem to be the tipping point; making people feel more insecure and overwhelmed. (Fitzgerald). The increase in this technology use seems to be creating and culminating current social problems along with new ones.

Take Back Control

A group of teens having fun on the beach.

A group of teens having fun on the beach.

Do not let yourself become brainwashed! Looking at social media can and should be limited. Looking at it every minute is unnecessary, it does not change, everything will still be there. Make it a goal to go out to dinner while leaving your phone in the car. One’s food does not need to be posted on instagram for proof that they went. You do not need to let the world know you went to the gym via Twitter, they do not care. Start doing things for yourself. Everybody seems to be guilty of this; and it is taking away from valuable time that you can not get back. Leave your phone on the charger while you are watching your favorite TV show. You can watch it without tweeting about it! Go downtown with your friends, take a few pictures, then leave the phone in the car! Genuine fun does exist, and does not need to be advertised to prove it.

Works Cited

Boyd, Dana. “Living and Learning With Social Media.” Symposium for Teaching and Learning with Technology (2009): n. pag. Dana Boyd | Apophenia. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. <>.

Fitzgerald, Britney. “Social Media Is Causing Anxiety, Study Finds.” The Huffington Post 11 July 2012: n. pag. HuffPost Tech. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. <>.

“Mobile Technology Fact Sheet.” PewResearch Internet Project. PewResearch Center, 2014. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. <>.

Twitter. N.p., 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. <>.