About Me

Dana Richardson is a first-year foundations student in the College of Arts & Sciences at The Ohio State University. She plans on majoring in Visual Communication Design and hopes to minor in Business or Fashion Retail Studies. Dana is involved in the Media, Marketing, & Communications scholars program and she is a Freshman Leadership Officer in the program. She is also in various organizations at OSU including, Undergraduate Business Womens Association and CSCA.

When not in class, Dana enjoys playing with her dog, baking, and hanging out with her friends. In her future years at Ohio State, she hopes to join a sorority and get involved in more organizations. If you have any questions about Ohio State, the design program, getting involved or anything else, feel free to contact Dana with questions!


About Me

[Your “About Me” is a brief biographical statement that might include your intended major, your academic interests, your goals, as well as the things that make you unique.  Definitely include a picture! Also, remember that you can always update this post at any point. For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]