About Me



My name is Ginette Rhodes and I am currently a freshman at The Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio and proud member of both The Mount Leadership Society and The Morrill Scholars Program. I am from Saint Louis, Missouri and am currently extremely excited about new opportunities associated with self discovery and exposure to the multitude of experiences the university offers. My years in High School were extremely dedicated to hard work and anything else involving my at the time passion, rowing. Through the sport, rowing, I’ve been taught self-reliance as well as teamwork, determination, and the importance of time management. The essence of all of these skills will ultimately accompany me throughout whatever major I decide. As of now however, I am undecided in regards to my major and future career goal. My passion really resides with my keen interest for the art of public speaking, leadership, communication, and advocacy for social justice and minority empowerment. Any job combining those qualities would really peak my interest and cater towards my strengths. This year I hope to get involved in The Black Student Association and The Society of Sisters on campus. Both groups are really involved in fostering an inclusive environment for both learning and socialization between underrepresented minorities and the general public of the University. Through these programs I hope to find a greater sense of community for myself as well as provide a greater sense of community for future students to come. I also am currently employed through the University at the dining facility, Curl Market. This Job will hopefully strengthen my defining characteristics of leadership and communication while also adding more to my niche as an OSU student.

Go Bucks!


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