
News: Ohio EMA Recognition with Drought Monitoring

Last Friday, another graduate student and myself on the Ohio Drought Team received recognition from the Ohio EMA for the work we have done to start launching the Ohio Drought Monitoring webpage. My colleague’s focus has been on the data analysis side, focusing on the ecological impacts previous drought has had in Ohio, while I hardcoded the website and learned HTML, CSS, and Javascript to visualize several different drought indices.

You can view the official certificate of recognition below.

Certificate of Recognition from the Ohio EMA

News: Rick Toracinta Graduate Fellowship Winner and Presentation

See more from the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center’s website or below:

“Dr. E. Richard (Rick) Toracinta was a talented research scientist with the Polar Meteorology Group of the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at The Ohio State University. In addition to his polar work, Rick had a passion for severe weather and was a volunteer storm chaser on the Great Plains during many springs. This scholarship commemorates Rick’s lasting interest in the atmosphere as well as his desire to be a teacher.

This prestigious scholarship is awarded biennially to a graduate student studying atmospheric science, broadly defined, at The Ohio State University. Preference will be given to students specializing in severe weather (e.g., thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes), polar meteorology or polar climatology. The selection criteria include academic performance, excellence as an instructor (if appropriate), financial need, and intended use of the scholarship funds to advance one’s graduate studies.

Alyssa’s research focuses on tornadoes occurring in the Ohio Valley.  She also studies drought impacts specific to Ohio and is developing a database for stakeholders of real-time drought indices data.”

I also gave a hybrid presentation at BPCRC yesterday on Case Study Analyses of Two Ohio EF4 Tornadoes from 5 June 2010 and 27 May 2019.

News: AMS Social Media Team Member!

I’m pleased to announce that I have taken a volunteer position with the American Meteorological Society’s Social Media Team! Part of my responsibilities as a team member include helping to raise the standard of weather, water, and climate information in the dynamic, rapidly changing realm of social media, by leveraging the energy of other AMS volunteers and the stature and staff of the AMS itself. The team will work towards connecting the Society and its diverse group of members, as well as the public.

Some of the objectives I will be working to accomplish include:

  • Looking for areas where AMS can play a more strategic and visible role in social media.
  • Advertising events held nationally, regionally, and locally by AMS and their respective boards and committees.
  • Viewing and updating the AMS current best practices statement on social media on an annual basis or as needed.

I’m excited to incorporate these lessons and concepts into my role as the social media manager of the Meteorology Club here at Ohio State!

News: AMS Weather Band Committee Member

I’m pleased to announce that I am now a part of the inaugural AMS Weather Band Committee! Our Advisory Group officially transitioned during the Annual Meeting, and I’m so excited to see the progress we make in the community. I will be on the committee for three years, through the 2024 Annual Meeting!

Feature: Hooked on Science Podcast

I recently appeared on the Hooked on Science Podcast, hosted by doctoral student Julija Cubins. My episode, “Tornadoes with Alyssa Reynolds” went live yesterday, and you can listen to it on your favorite podcast platform. Hooked on Science releases new episodes every other week, be sure to check out Julija’s work and listen to other experts discuss their research!

Feature: AMS Weather Band

I’m pleased to announce my personal piece for the AMS Weather Band, “From Fear to Forecasting: How I Learned to Love Tornadoes”, was officially published for paid subscribers! Find it here.