General Information

*The tool is currently under development so several visuals and features are subject to change.

Re-val URL –

Re-val Description

The Re-val web tool is designed to allow students, instructors, and preceptors a method for completing the clinical student processes for tOSU College of Nursing digitally. This involves custom form creation by course of current types: time log, case log, and evaluation. The tool is built to be mobile friendly providing a solution for those involved to easily submit documents from anywhere where there is an internet connection.

The tool is geared toward the colleges clinical process but designed to be easily expanded as the needs of the college differ and grow.

Currently the tool is in testing as of May 2023 with a couple of courses piloting the tool.

For technical support please contact Corey Fuller at

Logging in

Students, faculty, and staff of the college will login using their email all lowercase and the password that is associated with your name.# for the university at a site like


Preceptors will be sent their passwords via email to the email address that is associated with the account in the system as provided by our placement office.