The Ohio State University: College of Engineering

[gem5-users] Adding CommMonitor between CPU and L1d-cache

CommMonitor L1-dcache and CPU I want to add the CommMonitor between CPU and L1d-cache in SE mode to trace all the memory operation requests in the system. I am running in x-86 SE mode I added following lines in the…

A Cache Error Propagation Model

cache-error-propagation-xhtyau Abstract Cache memory is a small, fast, memory system that holds frequently used data. With increasing processor speed, designer follow aggresive design practices in the design of cache memories. Such design practices increase the probability of fault occurrence and…

High Precision Fault Injections on the Instruction Cache of ARMv7-M Architectures

147-2139vbi Abstract Hardware and software of secured embedded systems are prone to physical attacks. In particular, fault injection attacks revealed vulnerabilities on the data and the control flow allowing an attacker to break cryptographic or secured algorithms implementations. While many…

Injecting Errors for Fun and Profit

error-210yopw INJECTING E-CACHE ERRORS ON THE ULTRASPARC-II “Handling errors is just attention to detail. Injecting errors is rocket science.” —me While the hardware engineers were working on determining the cause of the e-cache parity errors and then working on a…

SST Simulator

SST Simulator Structural Simulation Toolkit ISCA 2015 Tutorial (13th June 2015, Portland, OR) The Structural Simulation Toolkit is a parallel discrete-event simulation framework will allows many different components to connect together in a unified framework. The toolkit provides support for…

Jacobi - Gem5 SE - Result

Jacobi – Gem5 SE – Result

The Result of JacobiSerial with Gem5 SE mode is posted below. stats-2-1s05ywy  = The Result of Gem5 Se simulation with Jacobi

Sobel-Gem5-SE Result

Sobel-Gem5-SE Result

stats-1z2ivgv = This is output file of the Gem5 SE mode I have completed Gem5 SE mode simulation on Sobel benchmark. The result is below.

Gem5 SE Mode Running Does Note Terminated

Previous I was getting different error because of binary executable file issue. After I solved that problem I tried to run benchmark again so simulation started successfully however it did not terminated itself unlike it is expected.  

Gem5 SE Error (Kernel too old)

Gem5 SE Error (Kernel too old)


