Pope Francis on the Dakota Access Pipeline

Pope Francis has released a statement on the issue of developing land that is spiritually significant to native people. There have been many incidents in recent years where land was taken from natives in order to further economic development of a country at the cost of the rights of native people in regards to practicing their religion. Although it was never officially stated, this statement was in regards to the approved completion of the Dakota Access Pipeline, which will interfere with sacred land of different Native American tribes. To read the full article, follow either this link or this link.

Image result for pope francis on the DAPL

Photo Credit: http://www.americanow.com/story/religion/2017/02/15/pope-appears-back-native-tribes-dapl-conflict

Standing Rock’s Silver Lining

Photo Credit: http://www.economist.com/blogs/erasmus/2016/11/church-and-dakota-pipeline-protests

The Standing Rock situation, although a difficult and problematic time, had its own silver lining. Because of this issue and the publicity it received, many religious groups have put their difference aside to support the native people whose land is at risk. This has had an impact on healing the divide that has existed between native tribes and western organized religions. To read the full article, click here.