Time for Living the Change


Picture courtesy of livingthechange.net

Time for Living the Change is a global initiative between religious and spiritual communities to encourage local sustainability events and celebrations around the world. The goals of this event are to:

  • align with faithful values
  • allow a future for all by taking care of the Earth
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prevent waste and harm
  • send a strong message to communities, decision-makers and businesses and governments
  • share and celebrate the decisions people make in their own lives to allow a flourishing world for all
  • share stories of change
  • lift up leaders and sustainable solutions in our own community
  • learn from one another
  • offer guidance around transitioning towards sustainable living

To read more about Time for Living the Change, click here.

Living the Change

Picture courtesy of livingthechange.net

Living the Change is an organization that is committed to sustainable living through choices in transportation, energy use, and diet. These are choices that people make on a daily basis, and by choosing to change your lifestyle, you can help change the world. Living the Change believes that it is every faithful person’s responsibility to make these choices for a flourishing world. To read more about Living the Change, click here.

The Giving Tree: Fighting Climate Change and Strengthening Communities in Nicaragua

Picture courtesy of crs.org

The Giving Tree: Fighting Climate Change and Strengthening Communities in Nicaragua is an initiative from Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Western hemisphere with one of the worst rates of deforestation in the region. CRS is engaging rural Nicaraguans, who have an average employment income of $3/day, in planting 310,000 indigenous trees in land on or near their small farms. These trees will remove from the atmosphere approximately 67,800 metric tons of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, over their full lives. Farmers will be paid annually for a 10-year period to maintain and nurture these trees, and additional investment will be made in the communities.To read more on The Giving Tree and the work that CRS is doing, click here.

Creation at the Crossroads

Picture courtesy of renewintl.org/

Creation at the Crossroads is a collaboration between RENEW International, GreenFaith, and Catholic Climate Covenant. They aim to share faith related resources for small-groups that respond to Pope Francis’ call to action in his encyclical Laudato Si’. To read more on Creation at the Crossroads, click here.

10 Things in Your Home Linked to Climate Change

Picture courtesy of crs.org

10 Things in Your Home Linked to Climate Change is a resource from Catholic Relief Services on simple ways your house could be contributing to climate change. The resource offers facts on 10 simple things, such as fish and coffee, that can have major impacts on the environment. To read more about 10 Things in Your Home Linked to Climate Change, click here.

A Month of Gratitude

A Month of Gratitude

Image courtesy of creationcare.org

A Month of Gratitude is a way that Christine Sine, creator of Godspace and writer for EEN Moms, is focusing on God’s abundant blessings. Instead of just making the week of Thanksgiving a gratitude week, she has decided to make October and November a season of gratitude. She offers simple ways that anyone can join her by praying, focusing, and practicing. To read more about how you can join her in this season of gratitude, click here.

Permaculture Extension Initiative

St. John's residence design

Picture courtesy of ecofaithrecovery.org

Permaculture Extension Initiative is a project from EcoFaith Recovery. The project is meant to build ecological and biblical literacy in faith communities while engaging in practical and transformative projects. The pilot project offers faith communities the opportunity to engage in: weekend workshops on the themes of permaculture, gardening, or watershed discipleship and biblical ecology; design and implement a food-bearing, pollinator friendly, or native habitat landscape and garden; permaculture/eco-biblical literacy mentoring of interns as opportunities present themselves. To read more on the Permaculture Extension Initiative, click here.

Your Vote. Our Voices. Speak Up for Our Future, Get Out and Vote!

American electorate graphic

Picture courtesy of unitedmethodistwomen.org

United Methodist Women wants to encourage everyone, especially women, to get out and vote.

“Your vote has the power to move us closer to creating a world in which justice rolls down like water and righteousness as a mighty stream. So, get out and vote! You have the power to pull a lever to change the conversation about our national priorities. You have the power to organize a car pool to take the homebound to their polling stations. You have the power to use the United Methodist Women Election Checklist to find out which candidates support our vision of a nation with clean air, with maternal and child well-being; a nation where workers earn a living wage and a nation where we offer educational opportunity rather than juvenile detention.”

To read more on the importance of voting, click here.

God’s Good Creation Vacation Bible School

Picture courtesy of elca.org

God’s Good Creation is a vacation bible school (VBS) resource from Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The VBS focuses on teaching children about hunger, hope, and the work to which God calls on us to aid in ending hunger for good. There are five days that each contain learning activities with different themes. To read more or download God’s Good Creation, click here.

Hungering for Justice; Luther and the Economy Study Guide

Picture courtesy of elca.org

Hungering for Justice; A Luther and the Economy Study Guide is a resource from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This extensive study guide covers topics such as sustainability, caring for creation, household economies, food and hunger, and more. To read or download the entire study guide, click here.