Leadership Meeting Guide – Being a Good Neighbor

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Being a Good Neighbor is a meeting guide from Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) MOMS about being aware of what happens in your neighborhood. Many people are not aware that their communities are located near natural gas drilling, landfills, chemical production and other toxic industrial plants. As Christians, EEN believes it is a responsibility to be aware and protect your neighbors by caring, understanding, and praying. To read more, click here.

To download the meeting guide, click here.

To download the handcards that correspond with the meeting guide, click here.

How Bad is Air Conditioning?

Picture courtesy of creationcare.org

How Bad is Air Conditioning is an article from Evangelical Environmental Network MOMS about the harmful impacts of air conditioning and a Christian’s responsibilities to the earth. Air conditioning accounts for 6% of America’s residential energy usage and releases about 100 million tons of carbon dioxide each year. The article offers some simple and some challenging ways to reduce the temperature without using air conditioning. To read more, click here.

Day of Prayer for Climate Action

Picture courtesy of yecaction.org/dayofprayer

Day of Prayer for Climate Action was held on September 1st. Young Evangelicals for Climate Action created a list of resources including climate liturgies, a prayer guide, thematic prayers, examples of how to turn prayer into action, a prayer digital toolkit, and a printable climate prayer sign. To read more, click here.

Leadership Meeting Guide- Protecting Your Nest

Picture courtesy of creationcare.org

This meeting guide from Evangelical Environmental Network MOMS offers ways to live in a simple, toxic free home. It focuses on ways to protect children from fossil fuels and consumption of chemicals that are known to cause diseases. This includes reading labels, dumping processed foods, and more. To read more, click here.

To download the meeting guide, click here.

To download the handcard that corresponds with this guide, click here.

Leadership Meeting Guide – Breathe Free and Easy

Picture courtesy of creationcare.org

Evangelical Environmental Network MOMS believe that everyone has a right to pollution free air. They believe it is a fundamental gift from God (Genesis 1), but in the United States, there are still people fighting for clean air. This resource provides a video and discussion questions how Moms can make a difference and advocate for healthy, clean air. The guide can be downloaded for easier use at meetings as well. To read more, click here.

To download the meeting guide, click here.

To download the handcard that corresponds to this meeting guide, click here.

10 Eco-Mission Projects

Picture courtesy of creationcare.org

Evangelical Environmental Network MOMS has created a list of family oriented service projects focused on the environment. These ideas not only offer ways to serve the community, but also take care of God’s earth in simple but effective ways. To read more, click here.

For Love of Lavender

For the Lavender - Wikipedia CC

Image courtesy of creationcare.org

For Love of Lavender is an account of how Christine Sine, creator of Godspace and writer for Evangelical Environmental Network MOMS, encountered God through the beauty, fragrance, and abundance of the lavender in her garden.  She discusses how reflecting on her garden teaches her about God and reminds her of many Bible verses such as Proverbs 27:9 The heart is delighted by the fragrance of oil and sweet perfumes, and in just the same way, the soul is sweetened by the wise counsel of a friend. She also discusses how to use these lessons to teach children. To read more, click here.

Evangelical Environmental Network: The Last Straw

Picture courtesy of creationcare.org

Up to 12 billion tons of plastic trash end up in God’s oceans, and Evangelical Environmental Network (EEN) believes that trash is an affront to the glory of God. Trash always ends up somewhere, and that somewhere belongs to God. They believe that throwing trash away is equivalent to sneaking into God’s backyard and piling trash there and then pretending that it never happened. In order to put a stop to the 12 billion tons of plastic trash, EEN has created The Last Straw Campaign Pledge. It is a pledge to decline straws at restaurants and other food/beverage establishments, phase out using them at home, and consider going deeper, such as: asking local restaurants to only provide straws when customers request them and asking elected officials at the local and state levels to phase out the use of plastic straws, and single-use plastic. To read more or take the pledge, click here.

“Will We Recover Our Responsibility for God’s Creation?” by Ben Lowe and Ronald J Sider

Image courtesy of Amazon.com

“Will We Recover Our Responsibility for God’s Creation?” is the final essay in a larger intergenerational conversation on a twenty-first century faith. The Future of Our Faith: An Intergenerational Conversation on Critical Issues Facing the Church is a work by Ben Lowe and Ronald J. Sider working to bridge the divide between generations. They recognize the “inter-generational tension” present within the church, and in this work, they welcome each other into conversation. They each present four essays on major issues facing the church with responses from the other.

The final issue addressed in the book is our care for creation. Both from evangelical backgrounds both Lowe and Sider are advocates for creation care. Lowe raises the issue and first acknowledges the indifference, dismissal, and occasionally aggression he has received in congregations when he has breeched the call of care for creation. They reclaim an evangelical theology which calls believers to be stewards of a creation divinely gifted to a broken humanity.

For many Christian congregations and communities, especially ones who identify as evangelical, this book provides a platform on which to have one’s own intergenerational conversation. In a time when generations are so polarized, this book does the hard work of being in Christian community and love with those generations which precede and follow us.

This book can be found on Amazon, major book retailers, and your favorite independent bookstore. More information on Ben Lowe can be found at his website here. To learn more about Ronald J. Sider click here to be taken to the Evangelicals for Social Action website.

Young Evangelicals Applaud Recent Republican Carbon Tax Proposal

Picture courtesy of yecaction.org

Republican Congressman Carlos Curbelo, who represents South Florida, has proposed the Market Choice Act in Congress. The carbon tax bill would improve public health, protect vulnerable communities, and safeguard our generation’s future—all while exceeding the U.S. reduction commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement. The Young Evangelicals believe this is the moral leadership on climate change that has been desperately lacking in Congress for far too long.The Young Evangelicals state that they are proud to support Rep. Curbelo’s leadership  and hope that lawmakers hear loud and clear that the rising generation of evangelicals overwhelmingly support climate action, and that young evangelicals will be watching closely how they respond to Rep. Curbelo’s proposal. To read more, click here.