Dianne Kadonaga, Columbus OH

Dianne Kadonaga (Photo: Laura Scholl)

Dianne Kadonaga is a 4th generation Japanese Canadian woman and a small-scale beginning farmer who converted her backyard and lawn into an edible perennial forest garden and wildlife habitat. She manages the Sunny Glen Garden in Columbus, Ohio. Although past generations of her family had been involved in farming activities, a few associated traumas led to the loss of her family’s farming history. Thus, since 2015, Dianne started growing her own food on her residential property with no agricultural knowledge and a desire to improve her own personal health.


She started her farming journey by growing vegetable seedlings in her basement. Community networking and partnerships have become significant drivers of her success. She often talks with her community about adequate accessibility to healthy food and demonstrates how they too can turn their residential lawns into a growing space. Dianne invests a lot of time and energy in influencing change in her community and is filled with joy and satisfaction doing what makes sense to her. Dianne’s community-building efforts have earned her several recognitions and awards including the 2023 Conservation Stewardship award from the Franklin Soil and Water Conservation District.


The more biodiversity, the more richness there is, and if we can find ways of working together and communicating with each other, I think we have the best chance of having this sort of global happiness for the planet and the people and everything that’s on it.