Process: Reconstructed Drawings.

  • I first started by going to the project page on carmen and reading the description on the design website.

  • I then started to watch the required videos on the watch/ read section of the project.

  • After I got a basic understanding of the project I started to think about which feelings I wanted to use. 
  • In class after doing practice word webs and drawings with the instructor, I chose the two energies I wanted to use, Peaceful and uneasy, and started to make a word web to find spaces that would go with them.

  • At the same time, I was able to familiarize myself with some angles used to show different feelings.
  •  I also drew an object from these different angles to represent different feelings.

  • After spending some time on word web I also wrote down which kinds of shots I wanted to use to represent the spaces.
  • At first, I wanted to draw a garden space for the peaceful space for the garden and another thing for the uneasy space but I later found out that we were supposed to use only one thing to draw but use it to show different energies.
  • In class after watching the manipulation and simplifying videos, I simplified Orton hall and practiced manipulating it

  • After discussing with my instructor I decided to use a road as my subject.
  • I first wanted to have the road in the middle and draw it using a 1 point perspective but I then changed my mind to manipulate the road with some curves to make it flowy and seem calm.
  • For the “uneasy” drawing, I decided to do a very close up shot showing a destroyed and old road that had cracks and some gravel and do it in a canted shot to make it very uncomfortable, to better convey my message.
  • At first, I had some trouble getting used to the AutoDesk drawing app but after doing some practice rough sketches I was able to adapt.

  • I drew a simple sketch of how I wanted my drawing to look on paper and then decided to move to the iPad.

  • After doing my practice sketches I started by laying down a horizontal line and started to draw a road towards it, stopping and editing to make sure it looked how I wanted.

  • I then started new layers to make sure I don’t mess up my already drawn pieces and then started to add the mountains, the sun, and other small details like road marks, grass, tumbleweed, birds, and clouds.

  • Throughout this process, I had to stop many times and zoom in in order to fix the small details to make sure my work was the best it could be, this was one of the most time consuming and difficult parts of the project.

  • At the end of my shading, I went back to the road and the land and added some more details and marks, textures to make it look even better.

  • I then started to work with my “Uneasy” piece.
  • I drew the road diagonal in the paper, to make it canted, and then I started to add small cracks and broken pieces of the road in.

  • I continued by shading my drawing and going over it with the pencil to add more texture and to make certain parts darker.

  • After talking to my instructor I also added some depth to the side of the road to make it seem more realistic.

  • This drawing was a little easier because I had already developed some skills from making the previous drawing and its focus was not “peaceful” or perfect.
  • I also tried moving the sun inward after talking to my instructor but decided to keep it the way it was because it lost its original flow coming from the mountain.

  • After finalizing both my pieces I converted them into PDF files attached them together and submitted them into carmen with the link for this post.

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