Welcome to the Ohio State University REDCap Community Forum!

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  1. Begin by navigating to and clicking Sign Up for U.OSU.
  2. The Terms and Conditions page will appear the first time you log into the site. If you agree to these terms, click Accept.
  3. At the Login page, type your name.# and university password, then click Login.

Users can ask questions that relate to specific topics in specific spaces within the REDCap Community.
Questions can have both answers and comments to promote the exchange of knowledge across the community.

Examples: ‘How do I set a default value?’, ‘I need help setting up my automated survey invitations.’

Help Others Help You

  • Keep your question title short, but clearly describe the issue you are having.
  • Provide all of the relevant information you can. The more details you provide, the more likely it is you will get the answer you are looking for.
  • Provide relevant topics so others with an expertise in those areas will see your question.
  • Post your hardware and software specs, if relevant.