Year in Review

[ “Year in Review”  is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student.  You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year.  For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]


Global Awareness: Having visited Israel in the summer of 2014, I witnesses the crux of their political and social conflict. While learning about Israel’s culture and government, I developed a strong passion for global awareness and international affairs. I worked first hand with politicians and leaders of various organizations to discuss the conflict, and Israel’s future.

Original Inquiry: I was the President of my high schools World Language Club. I led a group of students in creating fundraisers while learning about, and encouraging the embracement diversity. This club enabled me to become more accepting and welcoming, and opened my eyes to many different groups of people. I strongly believe that my involvement in this club allowed me to be more successful at such a large and diverse University.

Academic Enrichment: I plan on pursuing a career in Human Resources. I enjoy the logistics of business however I also want to socialize with people on a daily basis. The Human Resources major combines both of these interests. I am currently taking microeconomics as well as communication in society. Taking these classes at the same time affirms where my interests lie.

Leadership Development: As a member of my High School’s Youth Leadership Forum, I have learned how to lead large groups of people inside and out of the student body. This group provided me skills that have enabled me to lead various groups. Leading these groups has provided me with a new sense of confidence, responsibility, and overall determination.

Service Engagement: This past year I volunteered weekly at a school for children with special needs. Through this program I learned a great deal about learning disorders, and social disorders, as well as effective ways to help struggling students. I hope to find an organization here at Ohio State that will provide me with a similar experience.



[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career.  Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated.   For more information, go to: Delete these instructions and add your own post.]



I was very active in the Cabaret Night Club in my high school. In this club we collaborated with students, faculty, and community members to run a successful fundraiser, and ultimately raise money for pediatric cancer. My involvement in this club taught me a great deal about teamwork, community, and finances within large groups. This picture captures one of my proudest moments. It was truly incredible to see that our hard work paid off, and that we were able to help so many young individuals. This moment showed me how incredible it feels to see that your work is helping others. My involvement in this club also helped me choose to join the ACES program specifically.


About Me

Allison Rebenstock

I came toIMG_1088 Ohio State after graduating from Hewlett High School, a    public school in New York this past June. My high school aided me in finding my strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. Although it prepared me academically for college, it also helped me socially and professionally. I learned how to manage my time, perform in an interview, and successfully create a resumé. I was involved in my schools theater department. Performing raised my confidence significantly, and gave me the ability to successfully voice my opinions. It helped me with self expression, which is something that is extremely important when starting a new school. I truly believe that without my involvement in theater, I would be significantly more apprehensive and closed minded coming into college. Additionally, through my high school courses, I developed a passion for communication and business. I plan to pursue a degree in Human Resources in order to combine these two interests. I would love to work in the entertainment industry after graduation.