
Global Awareness:

In the coming spring, I will be studying abroad for a semester at Singapore Management University. Though I have yet to go abroad, I have been through several orientation sessions and met with students who will be studying across the globe. Though these sessions, I have developed my appreciation for diversity through meeting each individual that is studying abroad. Everyone wants to experience different places and see what the world has to offer after being sheltered in the US for our entire academic career. I have already gained immense knowledge and global awareness from conducting my own research, so I am excited to go abroad and experience more East Asian culture.

Original Inquiry:

As an undergraduate research assistant in the Consumer Analytics and Behavior Lab, I have had the opportunity to learn about how food insecurity affects families both in Columbus and around the world. I have had to do immense research into literary articles that have been published on the topic. I have also worked on a project that aims to help children eat healthier at lunch. There has been plenty of research on the effects of junk food on brain development and performance, but not enough research on ways to get children to eat healthier. When involved in the research, it was like you were making a real difference in the future of children.

Academic Enrichment:

I am the Vice President of a student organization in the Fisher College of Business called Risk Management Association. One of our main goals is to inform students on the impacts of risk and how they affect a company. Many students in business do not understand risk, though it plays a large role in how companies operate as a whole. Additionally, we help students find internships in the field of risk management, giving other students the opportunity to grow and learn individually.


Leadership Development:

Keeping with the example of Risk Management Association, I serve as the Vice President. Additionally, I helped found the organization and have watched it grow to include more and more members every year. Being a part of this organization has helped me grow in my leadership skills because I have had to work with people who have different opinions and thought processes than me on a consistent basis for two years.


Service Engagement:

Over this past year, I have been volunteering as a student-athlete tutor at East High School. We bring the students healthy snacks and help them with their homework, ACT studying, FAFSA applications, and external scholarship opportunities. The students at East High don’t always believe in themselves, so when you tell the students that they have the potential to go to college, they are more encouraged to try hard in high school.

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